Learning Chinese

Source: Global Times Published: 2020/11/24 17:18:42

Chat attack

donate blood / 献血
/ (xiànxiě)

A: By donating blood over the past 16 years without asking for anything in return, Pan Yingchun, a professor at the School of History of Wuhan University, has possibly saved 350 lives with her actions. 

16年无偿献血200次, 武汉大学历史学院教授潘迎春的行为能帮助挽救350人的生命。

(shíliùnián wúchánɡ xiànxiě èrbǎicì, wǔhàndàxué lìshǐxuéyuàn jiàoshòu pānyínɡchūnde xínɡwéi nénɡbānɡzhù wǎnjiù sānbǎiwǔshírénde shēnɡmìnɡ.)

B: I read her trending story on Sina Weibo. During the epidemic, Pan insisted on going to the Jiangnan Branch of Wuhan Blood Center to donate blood five times.

我是在微博上看到的。疫情期间, 潘迎春坚持先后5次前往武汉血液中心江南分中心献血。

(wǒshìzài wēibóshànɡ kàndàode. yìqínɡqījiān, pānyínɡchūn jiānchí xiānhòu wǔcì qiánwǎnɡ wǔhàn xuèyè zhōnɡxīn jiānɡnán fēnzhōnɡxīn xiànxiě.)

A: As a teacher, Pan hopes to get more people to understand the important role of donating blood , eliminate misunderstandings about donating blood and have more people join the ranks of those donating blood.

潘老师希望让更多人了解到献血的重要作用, 消除对献血的误解, 加入献血的队伍。

(pānlǎoshī xīwànɡ rànɡɡènɡduōrén liǎojiědàoxiànxiěde zhònɡyào zuòyònɡ, xiāochú duìxiànxiěde wùjiě, jiārù xiànxiěde duìwu.)

B: Her behavior inspired many people to take action.


(tāde xínɡwéi ɡǎnzhàole xǔduōrén fùzhū xínɡdònɡ.)

Illustration: Liu Xidan/GT


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