Learning Chinese

Source: Global Times Published: 2020/12/10 17:13:40

Movie line

The Broken Hearts Gallery / 伤心画廊/ (shānɡxīn huàlánɡ)  

1. Pain is inevitable. It's what you do with it that matters.


(ténɡtònɡ shì bùkě bìmiǎn de.zhònɡyào de shì nǐ rúhé jiānɡtā huàjiě.) 

2. Heartbreak is the loneliest, most isolating feeling in the world.


(xīnsuì shì shìjièshànɡ zuì ɡūdú,zuìɡūdú deɡǎnjué.) 

3. Amanda: As your lawyer, I'm telling you to calm down.

阿曼达: 作为你的律师,我告诉你要冷静。

(āmàndá: zuòwéinǐ de lǜshī, wǒɡàosù nǐ yào lěnɡjìnɡ.) 

Lucy: Well, you're not a lawyer. You're in law school. 

露西: 好吧,但你并不是律师。你只是在法学院读书。

(lùxī: hǎobā, dànnǐ bìnɡbùshì lǜshī. nǐ zhīshì zài fǎ xuéyuàn dúshū.) 

4. I'm pretty sure the first rule of compliments is, you don't reference yourself in a compliment.


(wǒhěn quèdìnɡ zànměi de dìyītiáo ɡuīzéshì, bùyào zài zànměi zhōnɡ tíjí zìjǐ.) 

5. But a shared value system is the key to everlasting love.


(dànshì ɡònɡxiǎnɡ de jiàzhíɡuān shì yǒnɡhénɡ ài de ɡuānjiàn.) 

6. I couldn't be with someone who just needed to memorialize every second of every day.


(wǒ bùnénɡ hé yīɡè duìměiyītiān měiyīmiǎo dōu xūyào huíyì derén zàiyīqǐ.)

Illustration: Liu Xidan/GT


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