Former TV host's commercial stirs debate Published: 2012-2-7 18:41:00

There has been "Wolf Dad," "Tiger Mom," and today there is also "Eagle Dad." A father's harsh parenting style aroused wide controversy after a video circulated online showing his nearly-nude four-year-old son running down a snow-covered street in New York where the temperature had dropped to -13℃.

@龙的传人张余龙: It's a little cruel for a little 4-year-old boy. I'm afraid this boy will suffer from serious cold injuries. Can he feel his parents' love during his childhood? Eagle Dad, please give your son a happy childhood.

@谢晓晓: It's a good thing for a child that he or she can adjust himself to the environment and learn how to live. I think the father has given him a different childhood. It's a precious gift for the 4-year-old boy.

@高扬: In my opinion, there should be more Wolf Dads, Tiger Moms and Eagle Dads. Today's children are weak-willed. They are often at a loss when confronting their frustrations. They can't feel happiness without experiencing hardships.

@银子: All parents love their children; it's just everyone has different ways of loving them.

@牡丹花下死-做鬼也风流: I think the Eagle Dad's parenting is extreme. First, can the child's body withstand such a low-temperature environment? Second, will it affect his mentality? If the father can't handle him well, this might cause fear and compliance within the child towards to his father. It also might prohibit their spiritual communication.
Newspaper headline: Eagle Dad

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