Media freedom day celebrated in Tunisia Published: 2012-5-3 18:06:00

Thursday is World Press Freedom Day. UNESCO and the Government of Tunisia will be co-organizing the main celebration of the World Press Freedom Day 2012 under the theme of "New Voices: Media Freedom Helping to Transform Society" in Tunis, Tunisia, from May 3 to 5.

@微笑丹牛: Media freedom is just freedom of speech and is an indispensable part of democracy and the rule of law. It's more of a basic precondition of human rights.

@Ibiso: A free, diverse, and independent media along with a society where information is transparent to the public is very important in order to freely express ourselves and to know the truth.

@陈强微博: Just because there are only few different voices in traditional media, more different voices have to appear on social media outlets.

There is still a very long road yet to travel down before Chinese media can realize true media freedom.

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