New "yellow light rule" has drivers seeing red online Published: 2013-1-3 17:39:08

A newly revised traffic regulation penalizing drivers who run yellow lights has been dubbed "the strictest traffic regulation ever" by furious drivers online.

The new rule, which took effect on New Year's Day, will increase the penalty points deducted for running yellow lights from 3 to 6, or half the 12-point license limit - the same as running a red light. 

Many vented online that the revised rule unfairly raises the stakes and forces drivers to become overly-cautious at intersections, which can easily result in rear-end collisions.

The Ministry of Public Security responded to the online complaints, explaining that rear-end collisions can be avoided if drivers concentrate on driving and keep a safe distance from the car in front.

@作了伐得料额宁: Drivers are supposed to slow down as they approach an intersection, which is just a common-sense rule that all drivers should follow. People who are used to driving however they like perhaps will have a hard time getting used to the new regulation, but it's an effective way to develop good driving habits.

@暴走的侠客:Too bad we didn't follow the most basic of traffic rules before and police had to clamp down. I fully support this harsher punishment to help drivers correct their bad driving habits and create a safer driving environment.

@音乐人杨海潮: There should be a transition light between green and yellow in order to give driver more time to react. Aren't policymakers familiar with the Law of Inertia?

 @Meteor-Across:I was wondering whether policy-makers considered the practicality of such a law. I ran two yellow lights tonight without even knowing it. Then the car in front of me suddenly hit the brakes when the green light started flashing, which almost caused a rear-end collision.



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