Irate about nitrate levels in my tap water

By David Friesen Source:Global Times Published: 2013-1-9 21:03:01

Illustration: Peter C. Espina
Illustration: Peter C. Espina  

Water experts in Beijing note that local tap water quality has declined over the past few decades to the point now where it is so high in nitrate that it poses serious health risks to infants. It can't be good for adults, either.

So, what exactly is the answer to this problem? Drinking mineral water seems to be the ideal solution for some, but it isn't possible for everyone. Mineral water doesn't come cheap, and there is no guarantee of its safety when it's sold at suspiciously cheap prices.

The typical Chinese solution is to boil tap water, which helps remove some impurities but doesn't reduce levels of nitrate. If anything, it makes for a more potent content of nitrate because some water evaporates during the boiling process. 

Installing a water filter might be wise, but it is hardly an affordable option for families on a tight budget.

Most people opt to drink from water coolers at the home or office. It feels safer because water comes from sealed bottles, but we have no idea where that water actually comes from. There's no telling whether it is really pure water or just tap water.

Then there are all our other uses for tap water besides drinking. Most of us use tap water to brush our teeth and wash fruit or vegetables before eating.

Personally, I have never seen this as a problem. But if tap water really is that full of nitrate, I might think twice in the future.

If you have a child, particularly an infant, the safety of tap water is more of a concern. For adults, the frequency of health scares in China starts to make us immune - not to the problems, but to caring about them.

I have no idea which of the varying chemicals and carcinogens I'm supposedly ingesting, inhaling or touching on a daily basis are going to kill me first, so rather than spending my day wrapped in a bubble of environmental worry I just get on with life. I seem to be in relatively decent health, so I can't complain.

But if you really are worried, my advice is to switch beverages. Some juice, soda or something similar may have more calories and damage you in other ways, but you will at least be avoiding the nitrate.

Alternatively, you could just have a few beers. This way, you probably won't care about using tap water to cook up that late night snack you crave from drinking fake alcohol.

Posted in: Twocents-Opinion

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