California hopes for treasures in China

By Agencies – Global Times Source:Global Times-Agencies Published: 2013-4-11 16:48:01

California and China signed an agreement in Beijing to look for ways to boost trade and investment on the first day of California Governor Jerry Brown's trip to China from April 10 to 16.

The agreement sets up a joint task force between California, China's Ministry of Commerce and six Chinese provinces and regions to expand investment and trade. Brown announced a $1.5 billion Chinese investment in an Oakland construction project, AP reported Wednesday.

Brown, joining by a contingent of about 75 business and policy leaders from across-section of California industries, also plans to make stops in Nanjing, Guangzhou, Shenzhen and Shanghai, where he will host an opening ceremony for California's new trade office.

According to the Los Angeles Times, Brown will sign contracts with Chinese companies to forge government research partnerships on technology, life sciences, healthcare and agriculture, and limiting Chinese green house emissions.

Most importantly, the governor hopes the six-day trip will translate into Chinese money for California.

Reuters said that Brown's tour is the second stage in his efforts to develop commercial ties with China as the governor met with Chinese President Xi Jinping, then vice president, when Xi visited California in 2012.

Chinese consumers have "hundreds of billions in savings," Brown told Reuters in an interview, saying he was determined to persuade at least some of them to spend it by purchasing goods from California and investing in the state's businesses.

"The governor really needs to lay out the welcome mat and tell them California welcomes Chinese involvement and Chinese investment," Orville Schell, director of the Asia Society in New York and author of a 1978 biography of Brown, told the LA Times, "It's a very important symbol that the governor himself is delivering this message."

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