Photographs of 'smiling' officials with unhappy petitioner angers public

Source:Global Times Published: 2013-12-2 23:38:02

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Photographs of 'smiling' officials with unhappy petitioner angers public

Net users are outraged by The Beijing News' Monday report that showed a new photo of two "smiling" officials from Linli, Hunan Province next to an unhappy petitioner.

In the photo, two officials from Linli's government are smiling, making the V sign, in an effort to get petitioner Duan Xinde to go home and not seek out provincial authorities.

Duan claims he was beaten by workers of an unidentified company and wants compensation.

The photo is said to be taken by Duan's wife as he was once again intercepted by officials before reaching provincial authorities at the building. A photo from August also shows a similar meeting between Duan and officials.

"How can officials smile like this?" said Net user Jingzhouwushi1, noting that their big smiles contrasted with Duan's grim expression.

"Look at me. How could I have been happy then?" said Duan, whose wife accused the officials of trying to humiliate her husband.

A Net user in Guangzhou, Guangdong Province said that the photo shows weaknesses in China's rule of law as Duan is prevented from voicing his case, while another Net user surnamed Zhao said that the officials, "who will resort to anything to get rid of petitioners, have only worsened relations between the Party and the people with their actions."

The two officials, Li Guilin and Huang Yufang, were suspended, Linli authorities said late Monday. Duan's case is being investigated. 

Posted in: Society

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