
Source:Reuters Published: 2014-4-20 20:03:01

"We are in the final stages of deciding where the plant will be …We see niches in the 3 Series segment, with the GT and the 4 Series Grand Coupe. These products are really important today."

Ian Robertson, a BMW board member,

telling reporters Sunday that the company is getting closer to deciding whether it will build a new factory as the luxury carmaker expands capacity to meet demand in key markets, according to a Reuters report. Earlier this year, BMW said it planned to expand capacity at its plant in Spartanburg in the US to boost production levels of its sports utility vehicles. Ramping up production capacity at Spartanburg to 450,000 cars by 2016 will make it BMW's largest factory, the company said.

"We've actually started this conversation about what we can do right now. All five commissioners are very focused on these issues and are committed to making sure the market is fair and efficient and promoting capital formation."

Kara Stein, a commissioner of the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC),

stating in an interview with Bloomberg that the SEC is weighing a proposal that would require brokers to tell investors exactly where their stock trades are executed, Reuters reported. The proposed requirement would give investors more clarity on whether they were getting the best prices for the buy and sell orders they entrust to brokers, who can choose from dozens of stock exchanges and private venues. The SEC is reviewing all aspects of how stocks are traded and seeking to identify changes that could quickly be implemented.

"Having an extra capital reserve of around 2 billion euros ($2.76 billion) allows us to be more tranquil as we undertake this exercise and use this reserve to fund additional provisions should these be necessary."

Fabrizio Viola, CEO of Italian bank Monte dei Paschi di Siena,

telling Sky Italia television Friday that increasing the bank capital by 2 billion euros more than initially planned would give it an extra buffer to plug any gap the European Central Bank (ECB) review might uncover, according to Reuters. The bank approved a proposal to boost the size of a share sale after saying that it was evaluating how much capital it needed ahead of an asset review by the ECB.

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