Learning Chinese

Source:Global Times Published: 2014-4-23 18:43:01

Illustration: Xia Qing/GT

Chat attack

A Bite of China 2


(shéjiān shànɡ de zhōnɡɡuó èr )

A:  Everybody's been watching A Bite of China 2 recently.


(zuìjìn dàjiā dōu zài kàn shéjiān shànɡ de zhōnɡɡuó èr.)

B: I'm watching it too. I can't help but drool when I see all that delicious food.


(wǒ yě zài kàn ne,kànzhe lǐmiàn de měishí,wǒ dōu rěnbùzhù liú kǒushuǐ le.)

Newspaper headline: Learning Chinese on April 24

Posted in: Dialogue

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