Duan Yizhong, former inspector from the Bureau of Quality and Technical Supervision in Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region

Source:Global Times Published: 2014-5-28 17:54:50

Recently a set of nude photos posted online involving Duan Yizhong, an inspector from the Bureau of Quality and Technical Supervision in Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region drew the amused attention of netizens. The local disciplinary department soon announced that it would investigate whether the inspector was corrupt.

Officials, nude photos, corruption. Online, these words not only run afoul of people's ethical and legal standards, but also pave the way for the battle against corruption.

There is a saying that "nine out of 10 corrupt officials are lechers." Such pornographic discoveries can be important clues for the investigators. Officials like Duan, who claimed his nude photos had been photoshopped, can't escape investigation. This all bolsters the credibility of online anti-corruption efforts.

Since no form of supervision is omnipotent, it's necessary to combine various to stamp out corruption. Through this nude photo case, the supervision system would enter into a new and higher realm. As long as we rely firmly on the people, work sincerely for their interests and draw inexhaustible strength from them in the battle against corruption, the public confidence that corruption can be eliminated will grow.

Oriental Morning Post

Posted in: Outed government officials

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