Paper pandas exhibited at Victoria Park, HK

Source:Xinhua Published: 2014-6-19 18:57:13

Paper pandas are displayed during an exhibition at the Victoria Park, south China's Hong Kong, June 19, 2014. A total of 1,600 paper pandas were displayed here on June 19, which were the work of French artist Paulo Grangeon. (Xinhua/Lo Ping Fai)


Staff members carry paper pandas to an exhibition at the Victoria Park, south China's Hong Kong, June 19, 2014. A total of 1,600 paper pandas were displayed here on June 19, which were the work of French artist Paulo Grangeon. (Xinhua/Lo Ping Fai)


Paper pandas are displayed during an exhibition at the Victoria Park, south China's Hong Kong, June 19, 2014. A total of 1,600 paper pandas were displayed here on June 19, which were the work of French artist Paulo Grangeon. (Xinhua/Lo Ping Fai)


Staff members carry paper pandas to an exhibition at the Victoria Park, south China's Hong Kong, June 19, 2014. A total of 1,600 paper pandas were displayed here on June 19, which were the work of French artist Paulo Grangeon. (Xinhua/Lo Ping Fai)


People take photo of a paper panda displayed during an exhibition at the Victoria Park, south China's Hong Kong, June 19, 2014. A total of 1,600 paper pandas were displayed here on June 19, which were the work of French artist Paulo Grangeon. (Xinhua/Lo Ping Fai)


A journalist takes photo of a paper panda displayed during an exhibition at the Victoria Park, south China's Hong Kong, June 19, 2014. A total of 1,600 paper pandas were displayed here on June 19, which were the work of French artist Paulo Grangeon. (Xinhua/Lo Ping Fai)


Paper pandas are displayed during an exhibition at the Victoria Park, south China's Hong Kong, June 19, 2014. A total of 1,600 paper pandas were displayed here on June 19, which were the work of French artist Paulo Grangeon. (Xinhua/Lo Ping Fai)


Posted in: China

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