Chinese president's visit reflects political unity with Venezuela: Parlatino official

Source:Xinhua Published: 2014-7-21 11:44:38

Chinese President Xi Jinping's visit to Venezuela has strengthened bilateral relations and reflects the political unity between the two countries, an official of the Latin American Parliament (Parlatino) has said.

Roy Daza, Venezuelan deputy to Parlatino, told Xinhua Saturday that Xi's visit came after the Venezuelan government suffered attacks from right-wing sectors aimed at destabilizing the country in recent months, reflecting "a political and ideological unity" between Beijing and Caracas.

Daza highlighted bilateral cooperation in recent years in economy and finance, saying that furthering relations with China has become one of the priorities of Venezuela's foreign policy.

Xi arrived here Sunday for a state visit to Venezuela, the third leg of his four-nation Latin America tour.

The Chinese president and his Venezuelan counterpart, Nicolas Maduro, agreed Sunday to upgrade their two countries' ties from a strategic partnership for common development to a comprehensive strategic partnership.

Topics expected to be discussed during the talks between the two leaders include industrial production, oil negotiation and training of Venezuelan technical workers studying in China, Daza said.

He also said a joint development fund between China and Venezuela created in 2007 has contributed to the urban development in Venezuela such as Ciudad Tiuna in the capital of Caracas.

The deputy said a new global geopolitical landscape has formed as emerging economies are moving toward defining a new world order, citing the example of the BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) summit recently held in Brazil.

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