Man apologizes for dragging dog behind car

Source:Global Times Published: 2014-9-23 21:53:01

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Man apologizes for dragging dog behind car

A man in Shantou, Guangdong Province made a televised apology for dragging a dog behind his car and then ditching it along a road on Monday, after being strongly scolded by Net users.

Images and video clips showing the dog being chained to the back of a car and dragged along a busy road were first uploaded on Sina Weibo by a witness on Saturday, Nandu Daily reported.

The chained canine was seen struggling to catch up to the car,  an act of animal cruelty that sparked ire among Net users.

The dog was found with severe injuries after being discarded in bushes on the side of a road, said the witness.

Net users traced the car's license plate and identified the driver, surnamed Zheng.

Soon after, his personal information, including his ID number and wife's phone number, appeared online.

In his appearance on Shantou TV, Zheng explained he adopted the dog last year. However, family and friends urged Zheng to get rid of the dog because it was aggressive.

Zheng said that the dog was alive but bleeding when he abandoned it, Yangcheng Evening News reported.

Net users scolded Zheng for what some are calling a needless display of cruelty. Others focused their criticisms on the human flesh search and argued it was unnecessary to post his wife's phone number.

Newspaper headline: Moment of netizen

Posted in: Odd News

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