Speaking of China: Only in China would you hear…

Source: Published: 2014-11-19 14:29:29

China is nothing short of a sensory overlord. In addition to the exotic tastes, sights and ahem… bouquet of smells, there’s a spectrum of sounds that resonate the true China experience. And beyond the street hawkers, trash recyclers and the “dao, dao, dao” of parking attendants, China is also a place where questions about your monthly salary, comments about your weight and inquires about your political stance from strangers are just casual chitchat.

We’d like to know what sounds like China to you! Submit a question, comment or screamed exclamation you’ve heard that encapsulates your time in China for a chance to win a T-shirt and a pair of Global Times chopsticks in our latest "Speaking of China ..." reader contest!


To enter, all you have to do is:
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a)Submit your entry either while sharing the Global Times’ “Speaking of China” contest announcement on Facebook or in a retweet on Twitter.

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2. Your entry will be submitted to a prize draw, with 10 winners being selected at random by Global Times editors across all three platforms.

The closing date for entries is 4pm (Beijing time) on December 25, 2014.

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