African states endorse new roadmap to promote animal welfare

Source:Xinhua Published: 2015-11-30 23:23:27

The African Union member states on Monday endorsed a new roadmap to promote animal welfare against a backdrop of human and environmentally induced threats to their survival.

Senior policymakers, researchers and campaigners who attended the inaugural continental summit on animal welfare in Nairobi agreed to fast-track enactment of policies and legislation that promote health of livestock and pets.

Acting Kenyan Cabinet Secretary for Agriculture Adan Mohamed said African governments have prioritized animal welfare to achieve food security and human health.

"There is need to establish a continental platform to promote animal welfare through improved nutrition and treatment for major ailments. Animal welfare is intrinsically linked to sustainable development goals (SDGs)," Mohamed said.

African governments have endorsed a raft of policy and regulatory incentives to advance welfare of livestock and pets. Mohamed revealed that African political leaders have renewed their commitment to animal welfare in line with the AU agenda 2063.

"By protecting livestock, working and companion animals from external threats, countries will achieve economic growth and improved health indicators for the population," said the CS.

He disclosed that Kenya has endorsed continental pacts to strengthen protection of animals in the light of serious threats like climatic shocks, illegal hunting and spread of zoonotic diseases.

African governments should reform existing policies and legislation in order to rejuvenate animal welfare programs. Ahmed El Sawalhy, Director of African Union InterBureau for Animal Welfare (AU-IBAR), urged governments to mainstream animal welfare in their national development plans.

"Animal welfare has previously not received high political and socio-economic profile in many African countries. We must change the status quo to safeguard animal health and welfare," said the director, adding that regulated trade in animal products will promote food security and economic growth in Africa.

Rural communities in Africa depend on livestock, pets and working animals like donkeys and mules to sustain their livelihoods. According to the UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), an estimated 250 million people in Africa depend on livestock which contributes 10 percent to the national GDP.

El Sawalhy said that robust policies, legislation and community awareness were crucial to elevate the animal welfare agenda at continental and global level.

Posted in: Africa

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