Seoul underestimates China’s counter-THAAD resolve

Source:Global Times Published: 2016/7/14 0:38:00

The South Korean Defense Ministry announced Wednesday the Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD) missile system would be deployed in the southeastern county of Seongju.

According to South Korean media, the site would position South Korea out of the firing range of North Korea's long-range artillery, meanwhile, it has taken China's feelings into account as Seongju is relatively far from China.

The THAAD's X-band radar can spot missiles from as far away as 2,000 kilometers. No matter where the system is deployed in South Korea, the threats to China won't abate.

In an editorial last week, we suggested sanctions be imposed on the county that would accommodate THAAD. We insist on this proposition, calling for China's relevant authorities to study sanction measures against Seongju.

China's sanctions shouldn't be affected by the anti-THAAD protests in Seongju, unless the county could eventually stop the deployment. China should cut off all exchanges with Seongju from now on. Any goods produced by the county should be boycotted in the Chinese market.

Those measures should be implemented step-by-step as the THAAD deployment unfolds in the county. As we can impose pressure on Seongju through those measures, they in turn will spur fiercer opposition against THAAD from the county. Even if this purpose cannot be fulfilled, we can demonstrate our firm objection to the deployment by these means.    

Besides, we call on the People's Liberation Army to target missiles at the THAAD system to neutralize any potential threat, which means Seongju would become the eye of the storm of power game in Northeast Asia.

The all of South Korea chooses to enter China's missile deterrence target area. THAAD will become a long-lasting wedge in the China-South Korea relationship.

The THAAD deployment announcement  coincided with the South China Sea arbitration. Washington and Seoul misperceive that China's attention would be distracted. Some South Koreans hold that Beijing would tolerate THAAD given the support of Seoul to Beijing over some issues in recent years. They are also wrong.

THAAD will pose strategic threats to China. It also symbolizes a strengthened US-South Korea military alliance. Chinese people have reason to suspect it will impair China's security.

South Korea underestimates China's counter-THAAD determination. It will inevitably become a turning point for South Korea's image in Chinese society. 

Posted in: Observer

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