Dota team members of PSG.LGD Gaming in China prepare for Ti9 competition
By, Published: 2019-03-14 21:49:20
The team trains together. Photo: Yang Hui/GT
Editor's Note:
Dota team members of PSG.LGD Gaming in China practice at a villa in Shanghai suburb. They are preparing for the Ti9 competition to be held in Shanghai this year, and they're ready to compete for the championship. Photos: Yang Hui/GT

Xu Linsen (center) practices with team members. Photo: Yang Hui/GT
Xu Linsen, also known as "fy god", plays for PSG.LGD Gaming. Photo: Yang Hui/GT
Ye Jianwei (center) practices with team members. Photo: Yang Hui/GT
Ye Jianwei practices for the big game. Photo: Yang Hui/GT
Ye Jianwei prepares for the competition. Photo: Yang Hui/GT
The coach thinks about tactics for the game. Photo: Yang Hui/GT
The coach practices with team members. Photos: Yang Hui/GT
Team members are so busy with practice that whoever has time for a meal just grabs it. Photo: Yang Hui/GT
Team members enjoy a quick meal. Photo: Yang Hui/GT
Daily meals suit different tastes of team members. Photo: Yang Hui/GT
Auntie takes care of the team's meals and daily lives Photo: Yang Hui/GT
They have their meals next to their beds as soon as they get up. Photo: Yang Hui/GT
Most team members will practice with their online friends whenever they have time. Photo: Yang Hui/GT
A team member is totally absorbed in his practice. Photo: Yang Hui/GT
Computer equipment used during practice Photo: Yang Hui/GT
Tangled wires behind computers in the room Photo: Yang Hui/GT