Corsica’s ‘cat-fox’ may be a new species

Source:AFP Published: 2019/6/19 18:48:40

In the forest undergrowth of northern Corsica, two wildlife rangers opened a cage to reveal a striped, tawny-coated animal, one of 16 felines known as "cat-foxes" in the area and thought to be a new species.

"We believe that it's a wild natural species which was known but not scientifically identified because it's an extremely inconspicuous animal with nocturnal habits," says Pierre Benedetti, chief environmental technician of the National Hunting and Wildlife Office (ONCFS).

"It's a wonderful discovery," he tells AFP, holding the feline - called "Ghjattu volpe" in Corsican - found in Asco forest on the French Mediterranean island.

While resembling a domestic cat in some ways, the ring-tailed feline measures 90 centimeters from head to tail, has "very wide" ears, short whiskers and "highly developed" canine teeth. 

Other distinguishing features include the stripes on the front legs, "very dark" hind legs and a russet stomach. The dense, silky coat is a natural repellent for fleas, ticks and lice. 

The tail usually has two to four rings and a black tip. 

"It's their size and their tail that earned them the name 'cat-fox' across the island," says Benedetti.

The animals are found in a remote habitat where there is "water and plant cover offering protection against its main predator, the golden eagle," says Carlu-Antone Cecchini, ONCFS field agent in charge of forest cats.     

Using nonviolent methods, the ONCFS has since 2016 captured 12 of 16 felines seen in the area, releasing them again after a quick examination. 

Now, they say, they hope to have "this cat recognized and protected" within two to four years.


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