Nigeria town holds annual celebration as the ‘twins capital’ of the world

Source:AFP Published: 2019/10/17 17:23:41

The sign greeting visitors at the entrance of Igbo-Ora in southwest Nigeria welcomes people to a place unlike anywhere on the planet: "TWINS CAPITAL OF THE WORLD."

The rather sleepy-looking town boasts of having the highest concentration of multiple births of any place on the globe. To celebrate its self-proclaimed title, the town hosts an annual festival, now in its second year, that draws hundreds of sets of twins from around the country. Donning different traditional clothes and costumes, the twins - male and female, old, young and even newborns - sang and danced at the latest edition this weekend to the appreciation of an admiring audience.

"We feel elated that we are being honored today," Kehinde Durowoju, a 40-year-old twin said. 

Around them, twins moved in procession to show off their colorful outfits as magic displays and masquerades also entertained the crowds.


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