Learning Chinese

Source:Global Times Published: 2019/11/20 15:38:40

Chat attack

Lessen the burden of education


(jiàoyù jiǎnfù) 

A: My cousin started middle school this year. She really came in at the right time. In order to lessen the burden of education, the country will not allow schools to have extra classes, or divide classrooms by ability.


(wǒ biǎomèi jīnnián shànɡ chūzhōnɡ, zhēnshì ɡǎnshànɡ hǎoshíhòule. wéile jiàoyù jiǎnfù, ɡuójiā bùrànɡ xuéxiào bǔkè, fēn kuàimànbān.) 

B: It sounds awesome to me. But competition right now is still really fierce. I'm sure parents must be crazy worried and are looking for other ways for their children to have extra classes.


(tīnɡshànɡqù hěnbànɡa. kěshì xiànzài jìnɡzhēnɡ háishì zhème jīliè. jiāzhǎnɡ kěndìnɡ dōu jífēnɡle, xiǎnɡjìn bànfǎ zhǎobiéde qúdào ɡěi háizi bǔkèba.)

A: Yup. I feel what really need to be reduced are those unnecessarily hard examinations and mechanical test-taking.That is the real burden lessening. Right?


(yěshì, wǒjuédé zhēnzhènɡ xūyào jiǎn de shì ɡuònánde kǎoshì hé jīxièyīnɡshì. nà cáijiào zhēnzhènɡde jiǎnfù. shìbā?)

Illustration: Xia Qing/GT



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