
Source:Global Times Published: 2020/6/23 17:28:41

Happy birthday: 

Keeping your distance from a situation will enable you to see things clearly. By staying objective you will be able to come up with a solution others closer to the problem have missed. Money matters are looking up. Your lucky numbers: 1, 4, 6, 14, 17.                                                    

Cancer (Jun 21 - Jul 22)

Expect the day to get very busy today. Knowing how to pace yourself will be the key to getting across the finish line without exhausting all your energy. A small act of kindness will end up being a huge deal for someone down the line. ✭✭✭ 

Leo (Jul 23 - Aug 22)

It will be better to start off with the carrot rather than the stick today. You can always switch from a softer approach to a hard one later if things don't work, but you can't go the other way around. ✭✭✭ 

Virgo (Aug 23 - Sep 22) 

Seeing things as they are will be the key to finding the right solutions to the problems you encounter today. While feelings should be part of your analysis, you will need to keep the emotional and logical parts of your brain separate. ✭✭✭      

Libra (Sep 23 - Oct 22)

It will take some time to finish off all your tasks today. Try your best to avoid distractions as they will contribute to an increased risk of mistakes. You are very likely to come across some great deals if you go shopping. ✭✭✭    

Scorpio (Oct 23 - Nov 21)

Trouble will find you today if you are not careful. You should be able to avoid major problems if you take your time with things. Remember: Slow and stead wins the race. Blue will be your lucky color. ✭✭✭  

Sagittarius (Nov 22 - Dec 21)

Sports or other team activities will be great sources of enjoyment today. Feel free to call up some friends and head out for some exercise! Money issues will have to be dealt with. ✭✭✭   

Capricorn (Dec 22 - Jan 19)

Do not allow your pride to get in the way today. If someone offers you a helping hand, go ahead and take it. While things may be confusing right now when it comes to your personal life, the right path will make itself clear before too long. ✭✭✭✭     

Aquarius (Jan 20 - Feb 18)

You will be lucky in love today! This will be an excellent time to get out and take part in social activities. Who knows who you may run into. An opportunity to further your career will require a commitment on your part. ✭✭✭✭             

Pisces (Feb 19 - Mar 20)

You will have the opportunity to make some very valuable contacts today. First impressions will be very important, so ensure that you dedicate some extra time to how you dress today. ✭✭✭  

Aries (Mar 21 - Apr 19)

Do not see your mistakes as failures but as opportunities to learn valuable lessons. Everyone falls short from time to time. The key is not to make the same mistakes over and over again. ✭✭✭✭   

Taurus (Apr 20 - May 20)

A close friend may have a particular bee in their bonnet today. You can go a long way toward helping them with their burdens by doing nothing more than lend them a shoulder to cry on. ✭✭✭    

Gemini (May 21 - Jun 20)

This will be a good time to look into alternate career choices. It's never too late to head down a different path. Sometimes starting over is exactly what we need. ✭✭✭✭

Posted in: HOROSCOPE

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