Learning Chinese

Source: Global Times Published: 2020/7/20 16:53:41

Chat attack

domestic vacation/ 国内游/ (ɡuónèiyóu)

A: Why are you going through photos of European tourist attractions? We can't travel right now. 


(nǐfānkàn  ōuzhōu lǚyóu jǐnɡdiǎn zhàopiàn zuòshénme? mùqián yòubùnénɡ qùlǚyóu.) 

B: My friend from Spain sent me these. They are still choosing to travel this summer, but what's different from previous years is they will choose a domestic vacation.


(zhèshì wǒde pénɡyǒu cónɡxībānyá fāláide. tāmen rénɡrán huìxuǎnzé zàijīnnián xiàtiān chūxínɡ, zhǐbúɡuò yǔwǎnɡnián bùtónɡde shìtāmen jiānɡxuǎnzé ɡuónèiyóu.)

A: Most of the tourists traveling in the EU are from Europe. 


(zàiōuménɡ jìnɡnèilǚyóude yóukè dàduō láizì ōuménɡ běntǔ.)

B: I also saw that the Paris Tourism Bureau predicted that this summer's tourism activities will be only 30 percent to 50 percent of previous years. 


(wǒháikàndào bālí lǚyóujú yùjì, jīnnián xiàtiān lǚyóuyè huódònɡ jǐnwéi wǎnɡniánde bǎifēnzhīsānshí dàowǔshí.)

A: Some analyses think that self-driving tours and short-distance tours may become opportunities for the industry to recover in the future.


(yǒufēnxī rènwéi wèilái yīduàn shíjiānnèi zìjiàyóu, duǎntúyóu huòjiānɡ chénɡwéi hánɡyè fùsūde qìjī.)

Illustration: Liu Xidan/GT


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