Random act of kindness photo goes viral

Source:Globaltimes.cn Published: 2012-5-7 17:29:00

James Loose1

Jason Loose
Recent photos depicting a young foreign man sharing chips with an elderly Chinese female beggar in front of a McDonald's restaurant of Nanjing, Jiangsu Province have been a huge hit on the Internet.

The young man in the photo is an American named Jason Loose who was born in 1989. He feels a little strange that his behavior has drawn so much public attention. He says that what he did was not special at all, the Modern Express reported.

@旁求俊彦423426: I don't know what to say. I'm kind of embarrassed for our nation and of ourselves.

@翩翩八戒: It's not because that Chinese people are indifferent and cold. In China, there really are many people who pretend to be beggars but are actually rich enough to build a house in their hometown after making some money. We are unable to differentiate between the real ones and the fake ones. We sympathize with the weak but cannot accept it when we are cheated. So we normally choose to ignore the people who beg in public. This foreigner might not understand China's national conditions, but his behavior is indeed worthy of our respect.

When seeing old beggars, I always give them money no matter whether they are lying or not. Even if they are cheating us, given that they are so old, it's not easy for them to do this.

@laoapple: Jason's behavior is really touching. I ask myself, yet I cannot do the same as he does. When confronted with the same and simple thing, foreigners will do what they think is right. While many Chinese people first doubt that the beggars are cheaters. Of course, there are indeed many cheaters who act like  beggars. But I think in today's Chinese society, we always doubt one another and make simple interpersonal relationships more complicated and we are tired of it.

@搜狐网友3248024: Do all Chinese beggars live after eating chips offered by foreigners? If not, then why haven't so many kind Chinese people received the same media coverage?

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