Don’t fear spending money

By Sky Xu Source:Global Times Published: 2014-12-4 17:38:12

Illustration: Peter C. Espina/GT

The advice my mother always gives me is, "What's the use of saving? Money doesn't come from being thrifty," and "You need to know how to spend money to earn money."

Clearly, neither of my parents were the type that say to their children, "You don't understand the hardship of making money!"

I don't remember my family ever having to struggle for food or a living when I was growing up, which is not to say that we were an affluent family. We lived a simple life. I can say with confidence that I was never one to make unreasonable requests for money as a child as I did not really desire material things. We made ends meet, but we were never stingy. I have not heard my parents complain to each other about money. 

Yet, they do not have a plan when it comes to money, which is probably, why after working for more than 20 years, they only have about 50,000 yuan ($8,126) in the bank.

Some of my friends say their parents tell them to save half or 20 percent of their salaries. Some of my friends send money home. I don't have to do either, and I don't keep track of where my money goes. I let my credit card bill tell me. It's a surprise every time.

Then one day, I thought, maybe I ought to start saving a little. I decided to put aside an amount of money as that month's budget and deposited the rest in a savings account.

But you know how it is. The unexpected need for money always pops up when you don't have any. Just like how it always rains when you don't have an umbrella. I needed wedding invitations before paycheck day. I had to stock up on groceries. I was in dire need of a pair of pants due to a sudden drop in temperature. I needed shoes, too. I even pre-ordered a movie I had been waiting a long time to see. Before I knew it, I had spent over my budget and it was not even the end of the month.

Just like it took no time to spend the money, I lost no time in becoming frustrated.

I hated that I had to constantly count the money in my pocket. I hated that price was the first thing I considered, regardless of the quality or the necessity of the item. I hated that I couldn't enjoy a movie or a play because I had to meet my budget.

I know I probably sound like an ungrateful brat who doesn't care about all the people who are suffering in the world. But to be brutally honest, it's not like everyone else who is saving money is giving it all away to help the poor. And it's not like I'm obsessed with luxury or anything.

I immediately made an early withdraw on the savings account. I must say, I can smell the coffee and hear the birds sing again. I guess mother was right all along. What's the use of making money if it's not spent on making your life better?

This article was published on the Global Times Metropolitan section Two Cents page, a space for reader submissions, including opinion, humor and satire. The ideas expressed are those of the author alone, and do not represent the position of the Global Times.

Posted in: Twocents-Opinion

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