China anti-graft body reiterates punishment for extravagance

Source:Xinhua Published: 2014-12-26 20:46:12

China's top anti-graft body on Friday reiterated relentless punishment on officials' extravagance and bribery, as the season known for over consumption approaches.

The Central Commission for Discipline and Inspection said in a statement that it will take every case of corruption very seriously, echoing a Thursday's warning against luxury gifts, trips to private clubs, entertainment or travel financed with public money during the New Year holidays.

The commission also said it will punish disciplinary authorities who shelter corrupt officials or fail to deal with corruption within their jurisdiction.

It also publicized seven cases, including that of the deputy head of local legislature in Central China's Hubei Province who invited 48 people to a dinner paid for out of public funds. The official has been given a warning and ordered to pay back the money spent on dinner.

Posted in: Politics

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