Source:Global Times Published: 2015-3-5 0:18:02
Fu Ying, spokeswoman for China's National People's Congress told reporters on Wednesday that China's defense budget will increase by roughly 10 percent.
China's defense budget in 2014 is 808.2 billion yuan ($128.97 billion), and another rise of 10 percent will see the budget go beyond $140 billion in 2015. Ranking second after the US on the list of countries by military expenditure, China's defense budget is approximately the sum of the third and the fourth's budgets, but still way behind the US. The US spends more on defense than the next 14 countries combined.
Fu said the Chinese, from lawmakers to ordinary people, are in favor of the military budget rise.
This is true. China's national security faces risks more complicated than before. But as a regional power, China can only rely on itself to safeguard its national security.
Ascension to becoming the second-largest economy means China is a hot and controversial topic in the international public discourse. China is trying to transform its ways to protect its national security. The more developed China becomes, the more security concerns it will face.
The velocity with which military equipment and technology is updated is far faster than ever before. And the cost has also become exceptionally expensive.
For now, only the US represents the highest standard of military strength. It forces other countries, especially major powers, to either surrender to it or make their own ways to reinforce national defense. As for China, the reality rules out the first option.
Although ranking the second for a few years in a row, China's military spending is not in proportion to its real security situation. It is apparently not the second-safest country. It is not even in the top five.
China's military strength has been exaggerated and hyped up as a "threat" by some Western media for years. But they must have known that China's ever-increasing defense budget does not have that much impact on them as China's second-largest GDP has.
The international community, in fact, is fully aware that Chinese troops need to modernize, a natural result of its growing economic strength. All these concerns that play up China's defense budget increase are nothing but a reflection of their inertia in the face of China-related issues.
The proportion of the Chinese defense budget to GDP is less than 2 percent, while that of the US is 3.8 percent. It demonstrates that China is not developing the military at any cost. The rapid increase can only account for one simple fact: China's defense budget started at a very low level.
Active defense has been China's principle in developing its armed forces. China has been committed to being a contributor to regional stability and world peace. Such a commitment is in line with what the international community expects from China.
China has not been involved in war for about 30 years, and could be the most peaceful major power. China's national defense building only aims at sustaining this peacefulness and helping other countries benefit from China's development.