Learning Chinese

Source:Global Times Published: 2016/2/3 19:03:01

Illustration: Xia Qing/GT

Chat attack



(yǒu dànxìnɡ)

A: That animated film I've been waiting a long time for has finally hit theaters! I really like that panda.


(qīdài le hǎojiǔ de dònɡhuà diànyǐnɡ zhōnɡyú shànɡyìnɡ le! wǒ zhēnde fēichánɡ xǐhuān nàzhī xiónɡmāo.)

B: You seem to really like those chubby character designs.  


(nǐ hǎoxiànɡ hěn xǐhuān nàzhǒnɡ pànɡhūhū de juésè shèdìnɡ.)

A: Yeah. They feel meaty and really bouncy. I bet they feel great to hug. It wouldn't be bad to have a boyfriend like that.


(shìde. ɡǎnjué ròuròude, chāo yǒudànxìnɡ, bào qǐlái yīnɡɡāi huì hěn shūfú. yǒuɡè zhèyànɡde nánpénɡyǒu yě bùcuò.)

B: It seems the time of chubby men has arrived.  


(pànɡ nánrénmen de chūntiān dàole.)

Posted in: Miscellany, Dialogue, Conversation

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