Rousseff’s suspension won’t cure ailing Brazil

Source:Global Times Published: 2016/5/13 0:32:20

Brazil's Senate passed a bill on Thursday to suspend the country's President Dilma Rousseff from office for six months. During this time, she will face an overall investigation. Rousseff might resume her post in the days to come, but she may also face a final impeachment.

The biggest accusations against Rousseff are manipulating the nation's financial data, and glossing over Brazil's slumping economy to be re-elected in the 2014 presidential elections. Rousseff refused to accept such charges, noting that previous presidents had used similar maneuvers, and everybody does so.

Rousseff and her mentor, former president Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva have both increased social welfare during their presidencies, which won them support from the poor. However, with the global recession and falling prices of energy and resources, Brazil's economy has been severely hit, while its considerable public welfare can hardly continue any further. Contradictions in the country have been growing sharper, and the ruling coalition which used to back Rousseff eventually collapsed. This all led to a reshuffle in the country's politics and a constitutional crisis. Criticism from Rousseff's Workers' Party over the recent "coup" has attracted quite a lot of support from Brazilian society. Organized protests against the impeachment of Rousseff have taken place in many parts of the country.

Whether the current storm in Brazil is about the anti-corruption campaign and construction of the rule of law, the views from its society are sharply divided, with many believing that it is a new round of intensified political struggle. Rousseff is now suspended from office, but all the nation's problems remain and there are no signs they can be resolved. In the meantime, that political conflict in Brazil can be so easily ramped up to removal of the president means that room for compromise among the parties has all but disappeared.

Brazil has taught us a lesson - the practice of Western democracy requires strong support from the country's cultural traditions toward the rule of democracy. Otherwise, the process to become a democratic state will be filled with turmoil.

In the current era, such a system needs the guarantee of rich resources, because it is easier to run in an affluent society, but when a country falls in adverse circumstances, it will be hard to mobilize its people and social organizations to make huge effort to overcome the difficulties.

Brazil witnessed a negative GDP growth in 2015, and the prediction for 2016 is even worse. Each political force is at a loss as to what to do, as proving that their rivals are more incapable and corrupt has become a political way of life for them. This brings more pessimism to the future of Brazil's messy political situation.

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