Post-90s generation emerged main force within communities amid coronavirus battle
By Cui Meng, Published: 2020-02-21 00:31:05
Photo: Cui Meng/ GT
Editor's Note:
Rao Yue, a post-90s community official, received a promotion during the coronavirus outbreak and is now in charge of a community in Wuhan’s Jiang Han district. Rao’s responsibilities include coordinating medical deliveries in quarantined areas. As Wuhan remains under strict control to prevent the spread of COVID-19, the district where Rao works has banned unnecessary in and out travel, and temperature checkpoints have been set up at community entrances.(Photos: Cui Meng/GT)

Photo: Cui Meng/ GT
Photo: Cui Meng/ GT
Photo: Cui Meng/ GT
Photo: Cui Meng/ GT
Photo: Cui Meng/ GT
Photo: Cui Meng/ GT
Photo: Cui Meng/ GT
Photo: Cui Meng/ GT
Photo: Cui Meng/ GT
Photo: Cui Meng/ GT
Photo: Cui Meng/ GT