Wuhan Yangtze River ferries whistle anew after 76-day silence
By Cui Meng, Published: 2020-04-08 14:37:05
Photo: Cui Meng/GT
Editor's Note:
At 6:30 am, on Wednesday, the first ferry departed Wuchang Zhonghua road wharf for Hankou Wuhanguan. Steams emanated from the vessel as its horn blew after a silence of 76 days. Though water transport resumed in this key transportation hub of Wuhan, currently, only two main lines of the Yangtze river ferry are in operation, Wuzhong line and the mid-night line. Passengers must scan their QR health code and undergo temperature screening before entering the wharf. Additionally, a secondary code-scanning is required before boarding ferry.(Photos: Cui Meng/GT)

Photo: Cui Meng/GT
Photo: Cui Meng/GT
Photo: Cui Meng/GT
Photo: Cui Meng/GT
Photo: Cui Meng/GT
Photo: Cui Meng/GT
Photo: Cui Meng/GT
Photo: Cui Meng/GT
Photo: Cui Meng/GT
Photo: Cui Meng/GT
Photo: Cui Meng/GT
Photo: Cui Meng/GT
Photo: Cui Meng/GT
Photo: Cui Meng/GT
Photo: Cui Meng/GT