Big love can come in small packages
By, Published: 2016-09-01 19:45:32
Lin (left) and Chen pose for a photo in their home.
Editor's Note:
In Rizhao, Shandong Province, one special couple stands out from the rest. 44-year-old wife Chen Guiyun stands 1.7 meters tall, while her husband Lin Yanhua, 50, stands no more than 1 meter tall due to a form of pituitary dysplasia. The couple has been happily married for over a decade, proving that physical disability is no obstacle to a life of happiness. Photos: Chen Weifeng/IC

Chen helps her husband into his three-wheeler. The couple met back in 2003 when Chen accidentally sat on Lin in a taxi after failing to notice her diminutive future husband. After this chance meeting, the pair became good friends. Chen had previously felt she would never trust or love another man after suffering through a divorce, but Lin moved her with his sincerity and persistence.
Lin repairs an electrical appliance. Though Lin was born with his condition, he has never let his disability get in the way of his success. After years of hard work, today he owns and runs an electrical appliance repair shop.
Chen helps Lin adjust his chair. In addition to helping at the repair shop, Chen also runs a delivery service and sells car insurance to help pay the bills.
The happy couple takes a selfie together.
Lin and Chen exchange wedding rings. In 2016, the Disabled Persons’ Federation of Juxian county organized a collective wedding for all of its local disabled couples. In the company of their family and friends, Lin and Chen finally realized their dream of having a wedding, more than 10 years after first tying the knot.