Exhibition featuring pictures of first modern Olympic Games kicks off at China World Art Museum
By Li Hao, Published: 2021-10-27 21:02:17
Photo:Li Hao/Global Times
Editor's Note:
Did you know that the winner of the marathon event at the first modern Olympic Games in 1896 was actually a water carrier? Or that the bicycle event ran for 12 hours? And that, except for the fencers, the athletes were amateurs instead of professionals? These interesting tidbits and others can be found at a new exhibition at the China World Art Museum in Beijing. Over 20 precious pictures of the first modern Olympic Games have traveled thousands of kilometers from Athens to Beijing as part of the Charming Ice and Snow: the Culture of Winter Olympics of Beijing 2022 Photography Exhibition, which is counting down the remaining 100 days to the Beijing 2022 Winter Games.(Photos:Li Hao/GT)

Photo:Li Hao/Global Times
Photo:Li Hao/Global Times
Photo:Li Hao/Global Times
Photo:Li Hao/Global Times
Photo:Li Hao/Global Times
Photo:Li Hao/Global Times
Photo:Li Hao/Global Times
Photo:Li Hao/Global Times
Photo:Li Hao/Global Times
Photo:Li Hao/Global Times
Photo:Li Hao/Global Times