Shanghai celebrates World Book and Copyright Day
By Chen Xia, Published: 2023/4/23 16:49:14
Photo: Chen Xia/GT
Editor's Note:
Shanghai celebrates World Book and Copyright Day which falls on April 23, holding a number of book sharing events and exhibitions. Shanghai Cervantes Library held a series of activities on April 22, including book exchanges, new book sharing sessions and exhibitions. All visitors have access to the collection of more than 15,000 books in Spanish and Chinese. A new cultural landmark in Xuhui District, the Zikawei Library, also attracted many readers on April 23. As a comprehensive library, it incorporates books, a reading area, an exhibition and lecture halls.

Photo: Chen Xia/GT
Photo: Chen Xia/GT
Photo: Chen Xia/GT
Photo: Chen Xia/GT
Photo: Chen Xia/GT
Photo: Chen Xia/GT
Photo: Chen Xia/GT
Photo: Chen Xia/GT
Photo: Chen Xia/GT
Photo: Chen Xia/GT
Photo: Chen Xia/GT
Photo: Chen Xia/GT