Visitors flock to site of CPC’s first National Congress in Shanghai to celebrate 102nd anniversary
By Lu Ting, Published: 2023/7/1 14:55:15
Photo: Lu Ting/GT
Editor's Note:
Visitors flock to the memorial site of the first National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC) in Shanghai on July 1, 2023 to celebrate the 102nd anniversary of the CPC's founding. Photos: Lu Ting/GT

Photo: Lu Ting/GT
Photo: Lu Ting/GT
Photo: Lu Ting/GT
Photo: Lu Ting/GT
Photo: Lu Ting/GT
Photo: Lu Ting/GT
Photo: Lu Ting/GT
Photo: Lu Ting/GT
Photo: Lu Ting/GT
Photo: Lu Ting/GT
Photo: Lu Ting/GT