Commemorative event held at Sihang Warehouse Battle Memorial to mark 86th anniversary of Battle of Songhu
By Chen Xia, Published: 2023/8/13 17:12:43
Photo: Chen Xia/GT
Editor's Note:
The Sihang Warehouse Battle Memorial held a series of commemorative activities on Sunday to mark the 86th anniversary of the Battle of Songhu, also known as Battle of Shanghai, including themed chorus & instrumental ensemble performances, poetry recitals and a history lecture. The memorial was flooded with tourists, many of whom were teenagers brought by their parents to learn about the history of the Chinese army's fight against Japanese aggression. Located near Shanghai's landmark Huangpu River, the memorial was the site of the Sihang Warehouse defense battle in October 1937, which was a solemn and moving part of Chinese People's War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression (1931-45). This defense battle is well-known in China and worldwide, thanks to the Chinese war epic The Eight Hundred, which topped global box offices in 2020.

Photo: Chen Xia/GT
Photo: Chen Xia/GT
Photo: Chen Xia/GT
Photo: Chen Xia/GT
Photo: Chen Xia/GT
Photo: Chen Xia/GT
Photo: Chen Xia/GT
Photo: Chen Xia/GT
Photo: Chen Xia/GT
Photo: Chen Xia/GT
Photo: Chen Xia/GT
Photo: Chen Xia/GT
Photo: Chen Xia/GT