Inspirational tour across China: Intl delegation visits China, gets a glimpse of stories behind the CPC’s revolutionary spirit
By Chen Tao, Published: 2023/10/12 14:22:21
Photo: Chen Tao/GT
Editor's Note:
From October 10-11, a delegation of international civil society representatives invited by the China Foundation for Peace and Development visited Shanghai after their trip in Yan'an. They had exchanges with the locals in Gubei Civic Center and learned about the operation of grassroots democracy in China, and they also visited the Memorial Hall of the 1st CPC National Congress, as well as a museum of "People's City" in Yangpu district. During the night on October 11,the delegates visited the Oriental Pearl Tower and had a cruise in Huangpu River. (Photos: Chen Tao/GT)

Photo: Chen Tao/GT
Photo: Chen Tao/GT
Photo: Chen Tao/GT
Photo: Chen Tao/GT
Photo: Chen Tao/GT
Photo: Chen Tao/GT
Photo: Chen Tao/GT
Photo: Chen Tao/GT
Photo: Chen Tao/GT
Photo: Chen Tao/GT
Photo: Chen Tao/GT
Photo: Chen Tao/GT
Photo: Chen Tao/GT
Photo: Chen Tao/GT
Photo: Chen Tao/GT