NATO, as a military alliance, its very existence implies potential confrontation and conflict. Just as races in the StarCraft video game need constant expansion and conquest to survive, NATO is caught in a similar logical loop.
By Global Times | 2024/7/25 20:16:01
  • Preventing sewage of politicization from further polluting sports still long way to go

    Three days before the opening of the 2024 Summer Olympics in Paris, the Chinese swimming team has already earned the title of "champion" thanks to the US politicization of the sports arena.

    By Global Times | 2024/7/24 21:57:59
  • US 2024 Arctic Strategy aims to bring 'pristine land' into US' military backyard

    In the Arctic, where no trouble exists, the US busies itself with imagined concerns. The US' most skilled trick is to “cry wolf" in peaceful regions, especially when promoting the "China threat theory." The US' ultimate goal is to become the hegemonic power in every region of the world.

    By Global Times | 2024/7/23 21:03:19
  • Will US defend Japan with nukes or turn it into the line of fire?

    What does the US want via drafting document to defend Japan with nukes? The answer is pushing Japan to be the next battleground. Unfortunately, by promoting the joint document, Japan demonstrates its readiness to be considered a potential nuclear target due to its alliance with the US.

    By Global Times | 2024/7/22 22:14:43
  • The challenges of revitalizing American manufacturing

    In today's global economy, trying to succeed by making others fail is a player who doesn't follow the rules.

    By Global Times | 2024/7/21 21:52:18
  • Propagating 'China space threat' cliché, US is primary driver of space weaponization

    Once again, the US is rehashing the cliché of the "China threat theory" - this time in space. Jeffrey Kruse, director of the US Defense Intelligence Agency, said during the annual Aspen Security Forum in a panel discussion on space and national security on Wednesday that the US is seeing from China a heightened "intent to use counter-space capabilities to threaten space."

    By Global Times | 2024/7/18 23:08:35
  • Trump makes it clear: What US seeks is to maximize its exploitation of Taiwan's interests

    The Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) authorities of Taiwan should be trembling now. Former US president Donald Trump, who is the Republican Party's official 2024 presidential nominee, accused Taiwan of stealing US chip business and claimed that Taiwan "should pay" for US protection, according to Bloomberg on Tuesday.

    By Global Times | 2024/7/17 21:43:45
  • Nature of China-Russia naval drills fundamentally differs from that of US-led exercises

    The China-Russia Joint Sea-2024 naval exercise kicked off on Sunday at a naval port in Zhanjiang, South China's Guangdong Province. The drill has caught widespread speculations among Western media. They particularly highlighted the timing of the drill, which came just a few days after the recent NATO summit in Washington, hinting that the drill is specially targeted at NATO.

    By Global Times | 2024/7/16 20:40:15
  • Japan summit reveals hidden agenda to instrumentalize Pacific Island countries

    From Tuesday to Thursday, Japan will host the Pacific Islands Leaders Meeting. Prior to the meeting, Japanese media brought up China, stating that the Japanese government "intends to deepen its involvement in the Pacific Islands, a frontline of the US-China conflict." This inadvertently reveals Japan's motives for hosting the meeting: The so-called support for the Pacific Island countries is actually an attempt to impose the strategic intentions of the US and Japan onto them, trying to pull them into the US' Indo-Pacific Strategy.

    By Global Times | 2024/7/15 20:32:04
  • China a peace, devt seeker while US a tension, conflict creator

    A report published Thursday by the Center for Research on Energy and Clean Air (CREA), an independent research organization, has garnered widespread global attention. It reveals the different goals and policy trends in China's and the US' global strategies.

    By Global Times | 2024/7/14 18:59:49
  • Rising political violence indicates a profound pathological symptom in American democracy

    The US democracy is currently experiencing a significant pathological symptom, characterized by extreme polarization and a decline in trust in the democratic process. The future of American democracy hinges on addressing these internal challenges, rather than focusing solely on external strategic competitors.

    By Global Times | 2024/7/14 17:37:10
  • China's marine protection offers valuable experience, wisdom for global ocean governance

    "Today, I brought a small item for my friends from the press," Guo Fang, vice minister of the Ministry of Ecology and Environment, said as she displayed a scarf at a press conference where a white paper titled Marine Eco-Environmental Protection in China was issued. She explained that the scarf was actually made from three discarded plastic bottles collected during a public beach cleanup in Guangzhou, South China's Guangdong Province.

    By Global Times | 2024/7/11 22:45:52
  • Orban's 'peace mission' creates rational space for EU diplomacy

    On Wednesday, Hungary's Prime Minister Viktor Orban arrived in Washington, the fourth stop of his "peace mission." Since July 1, when Hungary officially took over the presidency of the Council of the European Union, Orban has visited Ukraine, Russia, and China consecutively. The "whirlwind tour of diplomacy" by Hungary has faced strong dissatisfaction from some EU officials. Hungary's actions have been even labeled as "undermining EU unity."

    By Global Times | 2024/7/10 22:05:49
  • NATO extending tentacles into Asia-Pacific will only end in failure

    The 2024 NATO summit kicks off in Washington on Tuesday. This annual event has not only turned into a "rumor mill" for the "China threat" theory, but has also once again proven NATO's ambition to meddle in Asia-Pacific affairs.

    By Global Times | 2024/7/9 20:38:47
  • Europe risks unwarranted tensions by treating China as 'shooting target'

    Recent signs indicate that Europe is undergoing a period of political change filled with uncertainty. Against this backdrop, maintaining stability in relations with China, a key partner of the EU, should be among priorities.

    By Global Times | 2024/7/8 21:14:18
  • UK needs to balance collaboration, competition for successful China policy

    The Labour government will need to balance maintaining national economic interests with addressing domestic and international political pressures, but this balance can only be dynamic.

    By Global Times | 2024/7/7 18:45:55
  • US' ban on Huawei eventually boomerangs on itself

    The US has restricted Huawei's products in the name of national security to protect its own related manufacturers, but this kind of protection only maintains the backward production capacity in the US. In this case, such protection actually blocks US' progress, and will backfire in the long term.

    By Global Times | 2024/7/4 20:51:18
  • Europe should see through US 'game of thrones' in Ukraine crisis

    The root cause of the Russia-Ukraine conflict lies in the US. Washington does not want the conflict to stop because turmoil can give the country the opportunity to sustain its hegemony. The US treats the Ukraine crisis as a “game of thrones” and then shifts the blame to China.

    By Global Times | 2024/7/3 20:55:38
  • Philippines' attempt to repeat old tricks at Xianbin Jiao is nothing but a pipe dream

    China has an unwavering determination and sufficient means to defend its territorial sovereignty, and if the Philippines insists on staging a game of self-inflicted humiliation in the South China Sea, it is overestimating itself. The Philippines will gain nothing from provocation.

    By Global Times | 2024/7/2 21:24:43
  • Short-lived Gaza pier, fragile US humanitarian commitment

    The US is embarking on a path farther and farther away from taking the humanitarian crises in Gaza seriously. In that case, the humanitarian aid pier in Gaza perhaps will really never make a comeback.

    By Global Times | 2024/7/1 20:08:06
  • US, Japan's move to establish Asia-Pacific version of NATO disrupts peace and stability

    Regardless of how the US and its allies try to disguise their military activities in the Asia-Pacific region, they cannot hide their intentions to disrupt the current peace and stability in the region in order to profit from it.

    By Global Times | 2024/6/30 20:11:09
  • RIMPAC, a 'muscle show' exposing US' true face as a 'paper tiger'

    The current RIMPAC exercise is more like an elaborately designed maritime show. If the US thinks that staging a "weapons display" would muddy the waters of the Pacific and disturb China's pace of development, it would undoubtedly have made a miscalculation.

    By Global Times | 2024/6/27 21:23:26
  • This is the 'freedom' the US advocates: People who tell the truth have to plead guilty

    In order to cover up its crimes, laws can become tools of the US government. The chilling effect it hopes to achieve on "whistleblowers" not only brings personal harm to Julian Assange but also deepens the world's profound doubts about the values that the US boasts.

    By Global Times | 2024/6/26 20:22:45
  • Not allowing Chinese to study sciences? Campbell reveals US racism, petty minds

    Not allowing Chinese to study sciences in the US? This reflects US petty minds and lack of confidence. Campbell's remarks will only weaken the US' attractiveness to Chinese students.

    By Global Times | 2024/6/25 22:23:06
  • Enhancing consumer power helps strengthen China's initiative in global economic governance

    Pork is a microcosm of China's continuously rising consumer power since its reform and opening up. In an era where consumption is paramount, greater import capacity means greater bargaining power in international trade, which is especially important for China as a manufacturing power.

    By Global Times | 2024/6/23 20:35:34
  • Playing 'Dalai card' is a lousy move by US politicians

    After encountering obstacles in issues related to Taiwan and the South China Sea, the US now takes out the "Xizang card" again at its wit's end.

    By Global Times | 2024/6/20 20:38:37
  • Espionage and restricting exports show the US has no bottom line in its China policy

    The US' malicious intention of curbing China's development of advanced technology will hinder US companies' overseas market expansion, squeeze their profit, and impede their innovation capabilities. Meanwhile, US allies who are forced into a corner have no choice but to watch their once-promising development momentum turn to dust.

    By Global Times | 2024/6/19 21:14:04
  • US' support for the Philippines is just psychological comfort

    In the South China Sea issue, the US plays the role of playwright, director, and absolute protagonist, while the Philippines only plays a subordinate role, lacking real discourse power, initiative, and dignity. The biggest tragedy for a pawn is to think that it can control the situation.

    By Global Times | 2024/6/18 21:15:40
  • Repeated Western narratives of China's nuclear 'threat' are what lead to a dangerous world

    China is a nuclear power that formally maintains a no-first-use policy. Its nuclear policy is fundamentally different from that of the US and NATO.

    By Global Times | 2024/6/17 22:12:25
  • Dark side of fandom: Extreme fan culture threatens Chinese sports

    As China's sports industry continues to thrive, an increasing number of sports and athletes are gaining significant attention and admiration. However, a troubling phenomenon has emerged: fan culture, a subculture originating from the entertainment industry and driven by idol economics, has begun to invade the sports domain, leading to irrational and disruptive behavior.

    By Lu Wenao | 2024/6/17 3:14:13
  • Pentagon's secret anti-vax campaign against China reveals Manila is seen as nothing more than consumable

    The smear campaign against China fully exposes the US' positioning toward the Philippines, not only as a "pawn" but also as a "consumable."

    By Global Times | 2024/6/16 21:27:33
  • Supreme Court ruling on bump stocks to exacerbate divisions in US society

    The decisions by the US Supreme Court, by a margin of six to three, indicate that a majority of justices prioritize procedural justice and checks and balances on rights over substantive justice and humanism.

    By Global Times | 2024/6/16 21:22:20
  • US-led geopolitical confrontation will only exacerbate both domestic and international crises

    Many of the world's most pressing issues remain unresolved, yet some countries are still engaging in geopolitical confrontation with China and Russia in the G7 meetings, highlighting the G7's role in serving US geopolitical confrontation.

    By Global Times | 2024/6/13 23:29:24
  • Criticism of China-Hungary cooperation highlights America's inner ideological demon

    US ambassador to Hungary David Pressman on Tuesday slammed the Hungarian government's close political and business ties with China, claiming such relations often come with "strings attached, and the interest is often paid in sovereignty." Noticeably, Pressman's criticism came a month after China-Hungary relations were in May upgraded to an all-weather comprehensive strategic partnership for the new era.

    By Global Times | 2024/6/12 23:37:59
  • Using 'hellscape' strategy in Taiwan Straits is Washington's wishful thinking

    Adm. Samuel Paparo, the commander of US Indo-Pacific Command, told a columnist of The Washington Post recently that the US has plans to employ thousands of drones if the Chinese mainland launches a military attack on Taiwan.

    By Global Times | 2024/6/11 20:35:07
  • US' China strategy shadowed by toxic political atmosphere amid approaching election

    US President Biden recently stated in an interview that he believes the US economy can compete with its leading global rival, China. He expressed that due to an aging crisis and a culture of xenophobia leading to a shrinking workforce, China's economy is "on the brink."

    By Global Times | 2024/6/10 21:19:34
  • At D-Day, the call should be for peace, not 'three-theater' warfare

    In the current era, US belligerent gene and wish to turn its network of allies into mechanism for maintaining American dominance are becoming a global threat. However, the stark reality is that any escalation to WWIII today would inevitably lead to a nuclear showdown.

    By Global Times | 2024/6/6 20:49:57
  • US challenging UNGA Resolution 2758 only leads Taiwan region into danger

    The US has been ignoring China's warnings and continues to provoke China, essentially fueling "Taiwan independence" activities. The US' sinister intentions are leading the Taiwan region into a dangerous situation.

    By Global Times | 2024/6/5 22:43:58
  • Can the dragon and the elephant dance together?

    Modi's third term is bound to be filled with challenges. He faces the task of boosting economic figures and the daunting challenge of driving a profound cultural transformation in a society deeply bound by tradition.

    By Global Times | 2024/6/4 20:31:28
  • West's slander of court verdict highlights malicious intent to disrupt HK

    Western anti-China forces who still hold hypocritical double standards and the malicious intent of using Hong Kong to contain China will ultimately be swept into the dustbin of history by the increasingly improved national security system of China.

    By Global Times | 2024/6/3 21:35:36
  • Pandas a reminder of what can be achieved through cooperation

    Much like the care and attention given to the giant pandas, we hope that the US and China will invest equally in nurturing their relationship, working together to forge a future of peace and prosperity.

    By Global Times | 2024/6/2 17:24:25
  • The US should not only leave Asia alone, but also learn from Asia

    The greatest challenge to Indo-Pacific regional stability and peace is the US' desire to pursue a strategy aimed at either resurrecting or maintaining US primacy, Warwick Powell (Powell), adjunct professor at the Queensland University of Technology and former policy advisor to Kevin Rudd, told Global Times (GT) reporter Li Aixin in an exclusive interview. During the annual defense and security forum Shangri-La Dialogue from May 31 to June 2, some Western countries have attempted to maliciously portray China as a "bully" in the region, and Powell said the fact is that regional countries and their people have coexisted with China for centuries, and they better understand how to interact with their neighbors - both big and small - than the Americans, who have been involved in the region for only the past 200 years..

    By Global Times | 2024/6/1 11:49:40
  • Let giant pandas continue to be a bridge of China-US cultural exchanges

    According to the website of the Chinese Embassy in the US, the Smithsonian's National Zoo held a media event on Wednesday to announce that it will start a new round of cooperation on panda conservation with China and welcome a new pair of giant pandas, Bao Li and Qing Bao, by the end of the year.

    By Global Times | 2024/5/30 21:23:36
  • Airstrike in Rafah deepens divisions in the West over the Israel-Palestine issue

    Spain, Ireland and Norway formally recognized Palestinian statehood on Tuesday, joining around 140 countries that have recognized a Palestinian state, more than two-thirds of the UN. The changing attitudes of more countries toward the Israel-Palestine issue highlight the growing division within the Western camp.

    By Global Times | 2024/5/29 21:22:30
  • WHA rejecting proposal on Taiwan shows power of one-China principle

    By showing unwavering support for the one-China principle, the majority of the international community has once again thwarted attempts by the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) authorities to participate in the World Health Assembly (WHA) without recognizing the 1992 Consensus.

    By Global Times | 2024/5/28 20:21:51
  • Washington Post is right: No one in China says 'the moon hung larger in the US than in China' now

    The Washington Post published an article on Saturday claiming that the cachet the US once had in China no longer exists. The article argued that for decades, soft power was one of the US' most potent weapons in China.

    By Global Times | 2024/5/27 21:00:55
  • China-US economic ties are either win-win or lose-lose

    How can the China-US relationship become the most crucial bilateral relationship globally, and potentially shape the future of the world? To address this query, the discussion of China-US economic and trade ties is essential. The two parties often refer to them as an "anchor."

    By Global Times | 2024/5/26 21:32:18
  • Reinstating the “China Initiative” in Congress reflects US worsening McCarthyism and racism

    US House committee of the judiciary on Wednesday pass an act that is seen as the reinstate of the “China Initiative.” Chinese experts said the act reflected the fact that US is witnessing reincarnated and worsening McCarthyism; and the country's deep-rooted racism. This toxic trend will only backfire the US itself, observers said.

    By GT staff reporters | 2024/5/24 1:07:13
  • 'CCP Initiative' another witch hunt attempt by US, reflects its racism

    The unsuccessful "China Initiative" has been repackaged and reignited in the US. These politicians know that it is a poisoned apple, yet they're still trying to "sell" it, adding another layer of packaging to avoid being discovered, and once again letting the "witch hunt" roll back in their madness.

    By Global Times | 2024/5/23 20:53:56
  • Bashing Xizang urbanization exposes West's colonialist mind-set

    In the eyes of some Western forces, it seems that backwardness and poverty should be the true feature of Southwest China's Xizang Autonomous Region. Through a filthy, biased lens, they fail to see the realistic picture of the Tibetans' lives thriving due to the region's development.

    By Global Times | 2024/5/22 22:32:04
  • US media's words of sowing discord will not shake China-Iran relations

    The China-Iran relationship will not be affected in the slightest, because it is based on common interests and willingness for cooperation, and China has no reason to hesitate about China-Iran relations.

    By Global Times | 2024/5/21 20:50:38
  • Lai Ching-te's dangerous game: 'Taiwan independence' ambition risking cross-Straits peace

    Any attempt to "internationalize" the Taiwan question and engage in secessionist activities under the guise of democracy is a betrayal of the peaceful wishes of people worldwide and will surely be punished by history.

    By Bei Pingfeng | 2024/5/21 0:11:52
  • US hypes over 'military base' in Southeast Asia aim to turn China into a 'threat'

    It is laid bare that the US is pleased to see proxy conflicts in the region, while China's security cooperation with Cambodia and other ASEAN countries aims to jointly maintain regional security and stability.

    By Global Times | 2024/5/20 19:54:56
  • China has its own advantages in China-US talent competition

    Facing the US' technological blockade and talent flow restrictions, China needs to intensify its efforts to nurture domestic talent and implement policies to attract overseas talent, especially Chinese scientists and engineers living abroad.

    By Global Times | 2024/5/19 19:52:08
  • Shooting of Slovak PM sounds the alarm for increasing political violence in Europe

    The shooting of Slovakia's prime minister sends a grim signal of political and social fragmentation, violence and extremism in Europe.

    By Global Times | 2024/5/16 22:21:06
  • US needs to abandon hypocrisy in AI cooperation with China

    China has already shown sincerity and goodwill in the strategic dialogue with the US. It is willing to strengthen communication and stands ready to strengthen communication and coordination with the international community, including the US, to establish a global framework and standards for AI governance with broad consensus. We hope that the US will also show corresponding sincerity and refrain from engaging in hypocritical behavior such as blocking, restricting, and sanctioning while engaging in dialogue.

    By Global Times | 2024/5/15 21:44:48
  • UK's spy allegation linked to Hong Kong a clumsy political show

    British authorities on Monday charged three men with "assisting Hong Kong's intelligence service in Britain," under the UK's 2023 National Security Act. China's central government and the local authorities in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) have strongly condemned the UK's moves as "malicious fabrication" and "unwarranted accusations."

    By Global Times | 2024/5/14 20:08:43
  • US 'double face' on Israel reveals Washington's diplomatic hypocrisy

    To deal with domestic and international pressure, the US is beginning to show a "double face" on Israel-related issues: criticizing Israel's military activities in Gaza on the one hand while reaffirming its firm support for Israel on the other. This self-contradiction precisely reflects the Biden administration's increasingly divided policy and fully demonstrates the hypocrisy of US diplomacy.

    By Global Times | 2024/5/13 21:30:17
  • Confiscating Russian assets a violation of the principle of sovereign immunity

    Recently, the US and the EU have been considering confiscating Russian assets worth hundreds of billions of dollars. While this move is aimed at supporting Ukraine, it has broader implications for international law and financial stability.

    By Global Times | 2024/5/12 20:55:47
  • Solomon Islands election results signal move away from geopolitical strife, offering new paths for societal development: analysts

    At the beginning of this month, the Solomon Islands, a Pacific island nation, announced the notable results of their recent elections. Jeremiah Manele, from OUR Party and the former Foreign Minister under the Sogavare government, was elected as Prime Minister.

    By Shan Jie | 2024/5/8 22:35:24
  • Farce of Canada accusing China of 'interference' backed by no proof

    The countries that fabricate the lies of "interference" are actually the real perpetrators of "interference." Canada should reflect on itself. Canada is increasingly following the American anti-China path.

    By Global Times | 2024/5/8 21:34:20
  • US approach to decouple from China is backfiring

    The friction and conflict between US and Chinese manufacturing will unfold on a broader scale.This strategic game will have complex impacts on the economies of both sides, including adjustments to their own economic structures and profound effects on global political, economic and security fields. Change has already begun.

    By Global Times | 2024/5/7 23:49:12
  • US needs to do more for peace in Gaza besides reported ammo halt

    The reported halt of US-made ammunition shipment to Israel is likely to be an isolated incident. Washington's general policy of taking sides with Israel is expected to remain unchanged, leading to bleak prospects for peace in Gaza.

    By Global Times | 2024/5/6 22:18:18
  • US actions the primary drivers of potential instability in China ties

    US Secretary of State Antony Blinken left Beijing 10 days ago. What has Washington said and done about China since then?

    By Global Times | 2024/5/5 20:52:15
  • Chinese, French experts call for maintaining international order through multilateral cooperation

    As Chinese President Xi Jinping is about to visit France as the first stop-over of his visit to three European nations, the second China-France Forum on Global Governance was held in Paris on Thursday local time with the participation of more than 100 Chinese and French experts to discuss the reform on global governance and joint building of multilateralism.

    By Wang Wenwen in Paris | 2024/5/3 12:18:28
  • It is the US that is splashing 'boiling water' at Asia-Pacific

    Actually, what the US has done is splashing “boiling water” at the region, whose peace and stability never comes across the mind of the US.

    By Global Times | 2024/4/29 20:30:27
  • The religious tendency of US politics is the real danger

    The push to pass the bills by emphasizing “common God” reflects a disturbing trend in US politics, that politicians lack a truly inspiring vision and have to cling to Anglo-Saxon white supremacist religious views to rally people.

    By Global Times | 2024/4/28 22:21:54
  • To benefit from Chinese tourists, the US should avoid building 'high walls'

    The US has built "high walls" for itself, yet envies the world outside those walls.

    By Global Times | 2024/4/25 22:06:23
  • Humanitarian disaster facilitated by US deepens division within American society

    From Columbia University to Harvard and Yale, a wave of protests supporting Palestine is sweeping across American college campuses. Behind this is the dissatisfaction of young Americans with the US' Middle East policy, which enables regional conflicts.

    By Global Times | 2024/4/24 21:24:30
  • Label of 'cannibals' shows US' inherent disrespect for PNG

    Papua New Guinea Prime Minister James Marape stated on Sunday that his nation does not deserve to be labelled cannibals, blaming previous comments by US President Joe Biden who had "appeared to imply his uncle was eaten by cannibals after his plane was shot down over PNG during WWII."

    By Global Times | 2024/4/23 23:29:53
  • South Korea's shattered G8 dream shows West is not that into it

    Proud South Korea, which has been yearning for a spot in the Group of Seven (G7), is not invited to this year's G7 summit set for June in Italy.

    By Global Times | 2024/4/22 21:45:44
  • 'China's overcapacity' complaints won't boost Western competitiveness

    The G7 Foreign Ministers' communiqué after their meeting in Capri, Italy on Friday highlighted concerns regarding China's "non-market policies and practices," emphasizing that these practices lead to "harmful overcapacity" that undermines workers, industries and economic resilience of G7 countries.

    By Global Times | 2024/4/21 21:22:37
  • Australia's new defense strategy a miscalculation of Asia-Pacific situation

    Australia's inexplicable insecurity and anxiety when facing China are essentially the result of being misled or influenced by the US.

    By Global Times | 2024/4/18 20:47:14
  • West wields big stick of sanctions against Iran again, revealing blatant double standards

    Western media outlets are hyping up the conflict between Iran and Israel, bringing Iran to the forefront of the Palestine-Israel conflict and intending to shift the international community's attention away from the real crux of the conflict.

    By Global Times | 2024/4/17 21:17:38
  • Key to resolving Mideast tensions not 'China reining in Iran,' CNN wrong

    CNN is wrong. The key to solving the Middle East conflict is not “reining in Iran," the responsibility lies with the US and Israel. Who should play the biggest role in "avoiding an all-out war in the Middle East"? The answer is the US.

    By Global Times | 2024/4/16 21:17:00
  • US media smears China for Western failure to defeat Russia

    The US media is smearing China by accusing it of providing military components to Russia – a way to find excuses for failing to defeat Russia on the battlefield.

    By Global Times | 2024/4/15 20:46:09
  • Japan under Kishida plays with fire, risks burning itself

    Japan, once a passive participant in the US' China strategy, now appears to be an active pawn in Washington's grand geopolitical game. But it must tread carefully: Standing with allies is one thing, but only standing where one is told to stand is another.

    By Global Times | 2024/4/14 20:12:58
  • Choice of South Korean people again sounds alarm for Yoon's foreign policy

    Restoring peaceful and cooperative relations between China and South Korea is not difficult.

    By Global Times | 2024/4/11 22:36:26
  • US-Japan-Philippines minilateral group unstable, fosters conflict and confrontation

    While the ambitions of the US, Japan, and the Philippines may seem well-calculated, this so-called trilateral cooperation, in fact, faces the imminent risk of falling apart.

    By Global Times | 2024/4/10 22:19:39
  • Harassing Chinese students and scholars shows US' disequilibrium and insecurity

    The restrictions on Chinese citizens entering the US border will only cede the opportunity to other countries that encourage people-to-people exchanges with China, while increasing US' self-isolation.

    By Global Times | 2024/4/9 20:39:39
  • Difficult to count on US to change bias as Gaza conflict enters new phase

    It is because of the US' excessive bias that the humanitarian crisis has been created in Gaza.

    By Global Times | 2024/4/8 21:54:50
  • DPP authorities' politicization of earthquake a 'secondary disaster' to Taiwan residents

    As relief operations for Taiwan island's strongest earthquake in 25 years, which struck Hualien on Wednesday, continue, a "secondary disaster" is emerging in the political sphere, putting the lives and well-being of the island's residents, especially those affected by the disaster, at risk.

    By Global Times | 2024/4/7 20:04:35
  • China's assistance to Cuba a part of global opposition to hegemony

    On April 3, local time, the first batch of emergency food aid from the Chinese government arrived at José Martí International Airport in Havana. Luo Zhaohui, the director of the China International Development Cooperation Agency

    By Global Times | 2024/4/6 21:55:42
  • Can't bear better China-Australia ties, VOA attempts to kidnap Canberra morally

    Australia's gradual return to a rational and pragmatic approach to China means the two sides have greater room for more cooperation, a good chance to walk out of the cold winter and jointly step into the warm spring.

    By Global Times | 2024/4/2 22:54:50
  • Closure of RFA in Hong Kong shows final chapter of failed US 'effort'

    The closure of RFA is not due to a lack of press freedom in Hong Kong, but rather because it has found no surviving soil under the Article 23 legislation, which is aimed at protecting Hong Kong from the influence and interference of foreign political bodies.

    By Global Times | 2024/4/1 21:50:01
  • Huawei's success a story crucial in reshaping global economic landscape

    Huawei's endeavor is not only a story about how Chinese companies are breaking through US containment and going global. This story is also about emerging economies.

    By Global Times | 2024/3/31 20:38:47
  • Anti-China media demonize China by exaggerating anti-US sentiment

    The US media alleged that China is encouraging anti-US sentiment, but it is clear that China has always encouraged both sides to strengthen communication and engagement, even in difficult situations.

    By Global Times | 2024/3/28 20:54:26
  • India is naive to interfere in South China Sea issue

    India thinks it has seized a "golden opportunity" to contain China by meddling in the South China Sea issue, but it is just being very naive.

    By Global Times | 2024/3/27 21:33:18
  • The slander by the Five Eyes alliance is just a clumsy political farce

    If the Five Eyes alliance wants to safeguard cybersecurity, they should not hypocritically accuse others while walking further down the path of smearing, spreading rumors and poisoning the world.

    By Global Times | 2024/3/26 22:32:02
  • US-Japan alliance upgrade undermines regional peace, exposes asymmetry in relations

    The US-Japan alliance is evolving into an axis of evil that will pose more direct uncertainty and instability to the region. The US and Japan strengthen their security alliance to deter China and plan for a potential crisis in Taiwan island as they say, but if a crisis truly occurs, the essence of the alliance will be fully exposed.

    By Global Times | 2024/3/25 20:49:49
  • Moscow terrorist attack wake-up call highlighting urgency of intelligence-sharing, global cooperation

    It's important to remember that terrorism is our common enemy. If terrorism is the enemy of a supposed rival country today, it is likely to be our enemy tomorrow. Any country that ignores terrorism, the real enemy, will ultimately suffer.

    By Global Times | 2024/3/24 19:23:56
  • Can possible expansion save the struggling and faltering AUKUS?

    In order to maintain its hegemony in the Asia-Pacific region, the US is urgently pushing for the expansion of pillar two of AUKUS. However, whether it is Canada or Japan, they will ultimately only become sacrifices for the US to expand its military presence in the region and defend its own hegemony.

    By Global Times | 2024/3/21 21:58:22
  • Be wary of India playing 'border issue card' during election season

    India has once again made dangerous and self-deceptive statements regarding the China-India border dispute. India's Foreign Ministry stated on Tuesday that China was making "absurd claims" over the so-called Arunachal Pradesh (China's Zangnan area), saying that the so-called Arunachal Pradesh will always be an "integral and inalienable part of India."

    By Global Times | 2024/3/20 20:34:35
  • More efforts from society needed to prevent juvenile delinquency

    Recently, the tragic murder of a 13-year-old boy surnamed Wang in Handan, North China's Hebei Province, has sparked public concern about juvenile crime and triggered reflection on what the Chinese society can do to prevent juvenile delinquency.

    By Global Times | 2024/3/19 21:51:04
  • US interference over values renders ties with India estranged

    In a sharp rebuke of the US' criticism of India's newly implemented Citizenship Amendment Act, which excludes Muslim migrants, Indian External Affairs Minister S Jaishankar criticized the US' understanding of India's history, according to Indian media outlets.

    By Global Times | 2024/3/18 21:05:57
  • Anti-China sentiment must be avoided being exacerbated to gain votes during India's election season

    India's general election is upcoming. The seven-phase general election is scheduled to start on April 19, and the results will be announced on June 4.

    By Global Times | 2024/3/17 18:56:42
  • UK becomes more self-isolated by restricting official Chinese visas

    If the UK wants to carry out visa restrictions and become more and more self-isolated, just like the Qing Dynasty, the boomerang of more than 200 years ago is now seemingly going to backfire on the UK.

    By Global Times | 2024/3/14 21:45:42
  • Japan attempts to bring Pacific islands into a 'Indo-Pacific quagmire'

    Japan and the US do not consider the real needs of Pacific island countries. The "free and open" mentioned by the US and Japan means that if you support the US and Japan, your country will be free, allowing the US and Japan to enter your country, so you need to be open.

    By Global Times | 2024/3/13 22:50:43
  • India should maintain strategic sobriety with MIRV tech success

    Truth be told, China is not very concerned about the improvement of India's military capabilities because this improvement does not constitute a trend of India's military power surpassing China.

    By Wang Wenwen | 2024/3/12 21:25:36
  • Neither US nor India can cover up true development of China

    Indian media and some Indian politicians have been intensifying their smear campaigns against China in recent years, often taking them to extreme levels.

    By Global Times | 2024/3/11 22:53:53
  • Can Washington be trusted in seeking 'competition with China, not conflict'?

    US President Joe Biden repeated the old refrain that the US wants “competition with China, not conflict” in his last State of the Union address of his tenure on Thursday. The lawmakers who applauded, and people worldwide concerned about US-China relations, knew that he was lying.

    By Global Times | 2024/3/10 20:40:16