My expat Christmas list
Published: Dec 22, 2016 01:48 PM

Dear Santa,

Hey big guy! Remember me? Yeah I know, major change of address. I didn't know if Mrs Clause had a chance to update it, so I decided to write to you personally. I know it has been a few, well, more than a few, years since I have last written you a letter, but this year things have changed. If you could not tell by the postmark, I'm now living in Beijing, China. While there are some decorations scattered around town, it is just not the same. I guess I didn't realize that Christmas isn't celebrated the same everywhere. Even though I got my tree from Taobao and I have lights hung up in my apartment, I am still feeling far from home. This is my first Christmas away from my family, and since you spend every Christmas away from home, I thought you would be able to understand this the most.

I have learned a lot since traveling to a foreign land, and I think that has changed the way I feel about Christmas too.

As you know, I would usually be throwing my annual Christmas party and going to the candlelight service.

But this year things will be different and so will my Christmas wish list.

First things first, I wish my neighbors would finish renovating their apartment. Although there is nothing like waking up to the sound of a jackhammer behind your head seven days a week, I think you should grant them a little Christmas magic and make sure their house is finished and ready for the New Year. My hungover head will thank you!

Next, and this is a big one, could you get the Beijing taxi drivers to like me? I know that I do not always know where I am going, or standing on the right side of the road, but if you gave them some of your special Christmas patience and understanding, I am sure I will be able to make it to my Christmas engagements without being kicked to the curb.

I was also wondering if you could grant my roommate the gift of generosity. Well, more like being generous with helping with chores and buying toilet paper. He must really believe that Christmas magic exists all year long, because he already thinks that our apartment is magically cleaned by little elves.

One thing I would really like is a toaster oven cookbook. I don't know if you know this, but most Beijing apartments don't have ovens. So please don't be upset if your cookies taste a little different this year. I tried my best, but I can't read the Chinese instruction booklet so I never know what temperature I am cooking at. Don't be surprised if they end up looking like one of your lumps of coal!

Aside from all these requests, what I really want this year is to find the Christmas spirit here in Beijing. If you only grant me one wish this Christmas, I hope that I can start new traditions with new friends and bring some old traditions to a new place. Even though Christmas in China is far from Christmas in America, I think with your help, this year can be just as special.


Leila Hashemi

P.S. I left a note with the guard of my compound to let you in. Just tell them you know me.

Illustration: Luo Xuan/GT

Illustration: Luo Xuan/GT

This article was published on the Global Times Metropolitan section Two Cents page, a space for reader submissions, including opinion, humor and satire. The ideas expressed are those of the author alone, and do not represent the position of the Global Times.