Preemptive strike for winter
Published: Oct 18, 2017 06:08 PM

Shivering, chattering and chilled to the bone. This is how I would describe myself during last fall and winter in Beijing.

Last year was my first winter in Beijing. I thought it was cold in my hometown on the eastern coast of the US in North Carolina, but boy was I wrong. At first, the cool weather was a welcome change from the sweltering heat of the summer. As days went by, however, things got more and more intense. I had a medium-heavy jacket from home that worked for a while, but then I started to realize that this wasn't going to be enough, and I ended up getting my first real winter-ready coat!

When I walked outside my office the other day, I heard a crunch beneath my foot and when I looked down, I saw a bright yellow leaf - the first fallen leaf of autumn. This tell-tale sign made me realize I don't want to be a human icicle again and that I needed to get moving to prepare myself for what lies ahead. The weather is starting to turn, and I can feel the chill in the air creeping in.

Luckily, there are many options from Taobao to a local tailor on my street that has handmade down jackets. Also, I now know that there is a set date for the heat to officially come on in our apartment and at my office. I struck while it was still hot and got some heaters for cheap before the chilly weather started and supply and demand kicked in.

My advice is to go ahead and get some thick scarves, hats, mittens and socks. During this time of year, one day it's warm and sunny and the next day you are getting frostbite. In addition, get yourself a thicker blanket and some warm sheets for your bed. It makes a big difference when the temperatures drop.

Aside from clothes and preparing for the arctic temperatures, it's also a great time to start stocking up on your favorite cold-weather foods! Fill up your cabinets with some delicious fall-flavored teas, fire up your crock pot and try out some new soup and chili recipes. While we can still feel the sadness of another summer in the books, we can begin to get excited for fall activities, holidays and events!

Even though the temperatures are dropping it doesn't mean the fun has to end. Being prepared and focusing on the festivities of the new season will help streamline you into the "cooler" Beijing time of year.