Palace Museum 'lipstick war' is over
Published: Jan 06, 2019 05:58 PM

Cosmetics by Palace Museum's Taobao shop.

Less than a month after two subsidiaries of Beijing's iconic Palace Museum began a war selling Palace-themed cosmetics, one of them may have surrendered on Saturday.

The museum's Taobao shop launched its line of cosmetics on December 9, a day after the other subsidiary, Wenchuang, issued its line.

The Taobao shop said on its Weibo account that it will stop the current cosmetics line once its stocks are mailed to customers who made pre-orders on Saturday.

The museum's Taobao shop cryptically said the products will be reintroduced when the quality is better, but did not set a timetable.

A net user complains the lipsticks look cheap and do not work well on her lips. Source: Screenshot of Sina Weibo

The platform has been flooded with complaints about the quality of the products.

The Taobao shop was founded in 2008 under a Palace Museum-sponsored company, while the Wenchuang has been under the supervision of the museum since it started in 2016. Netizens jokingly said the competition between the two subsidiaries was like the war between an empress' younger son and a concubine's older son.