INBAR marks its Honor Day in Beijing
Published: May 23, 2019 05:53 PM

Jiang Zehui, co-chair of the INBAR Board of Trustees, gives a speech at the event. Photo: Courtesy of INBAR


The ceremonial event to mark the Honor Day of the International Bamboo and Rattan Organisation (INBAR) took place at the INBAR Pavilion of the International Horticultural Exhibition in Yanqing, Beijing on Thursday. A group of policymakers, diplomats and media gathered to celebrate the occasion. 

The welcoming speeches and performances to mark the importance of bamboo and rattan in sustainable development were given at the event.

At the INBAR Pavilion, which is made entirely from round-pole bamboo, a number of speakers emphasized importance of bamboo and rattan as nature-based development solutions, and the vital role of INBAR in promoting its use.

Jiang Zehui, co-chair of the INBAR Board of Trustees, said in her speech: "I believe that the INBAR Garden will be used as a platform for communication and knowledge sharing to vividly demonstrate the extraordinary charm of bamboo and rattan in improving the environment and quality of life." 

The Ecuadorian Ambassador to China Carlos Larrea, spoke on behalf of INBAR member states as the representative of Ecuador, the INBAR Council Chair, and the event was followed with a speech by INBAR Director General Ali Mchumo, who reflected on the reasons why bamboo and rattan can contribute to the theme of the Beijing Expo 2019 "Live Green, Live Better."

Following the speeches, participants toured the INBAR Pavilion, where a large number of bamboo and rattan products were featured as commodities and construction models for environmental protection and cultural promotion.