GT photographer Cui Meng: Wuhan was an incredible dream
Published: May 20, 2020 07:58 PM
Editor's Note:

Wuhan has been revived from the deadly COVID-19 epidemic, but normalcy will never fully erase the memory of experiencing the catastrophe.

From the very beginning of the outbreak, Global Times (GT) reporters have stationed on the frontline in Wuhan. 

GT photographer Cui Meng arrived in the city on January 30 and stayed more than 80 days to record the medical staff and patients in this special battle. Reporter Zhao Yusha and photographer Li Hao reached Wuhan in early April, right before the city's reopening. 

They helped record and share the struggle and hope of the people as the city came back to life. Back in Beijing, they are willing to write down the memories from their past months on the frontline.

Cui Meng

I had been under medical observation for one week. The 86 days in Wuhan were like a dream, heart-wrenching but incredible.

In January, with the situation worsening in Wuhan, I was worried. I thought I should be there. I texted my supervisor and pleaded to go to the frontline.

Finally, breaking through great pressure, I received the order to depart. But how would I get there? That was the biggest problem. Wuhan was under lockdown, and all transportation had been cut off.

I called and texted every person that could help, but no one was willing to take me to Wuhan. I even went to the Beijing International Capital Airport, seeking to sneak onto the plane for the medical staff aiding Wuhan. Of course, I was politely rejected.

Two days later, I finally got on to a high-speed train from Beijing to Changsha, which would temporarily stop by Wuhan.

On January 30, I stepped onto the platform of Wuhan Station.

The station was so empty. There was not even a ticket-taker. 

Yang Cheng, our colleague garrisoned in Wuhan came to pick me up. As we traveled from the station, I had nothing much to say. I just stared at the empty streets outside the car. 

Three months prier, I had been in Wuhan reporting the Military World Games, but everything had changed at that time.

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