Key sites honored to mark anniversary of Battle of Britain in WWII
Published: Sep 15, 2020 05:38 PM
To mark the 80th anniversary of the decisive Battle of Britain in World War II, official protection was announced Monday for a number of sites that played a role in the battle.

The new listings were awarded by Britain's Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport on the advice of Historic England, the government's advisory quango.

Samantha Archetti, Collections Care Technician, cleans a Hurricane ahead of the reopening of its Battle of Britain exhibition at IWM Duxford, which marks 80 years since the German Luftwaffe began its air attacks at the start of the Battle of Britain. Photo: VCG

The sites include an air raid shelter at St John's Primary School, Redhill, Surrey, where colorful World War II murals were painted by school boys between 1939 and 1941.

Depicting scenes from kid's favorite books including Treasure Island, Robin Hood, and Gulliver's Travels, the murals were intended to provide distraction and comfort during bombing raids.

The work of art by the boys in the school's art classes, according to Historic England, are the only known example of a complete decorative scheme produced for a school air raid shelter.

A rare World War II radar air defense tower in Essex has also been listed, with another tower as part of the same key system being upgraded to a higher level of official listing.

Built in the late 1930s, the towers are rare surviving physical components of the world's first radar air defense network and are among the very few from the network to remain standing today. 

The towers were given protected status as a reminder of the widespread anxiety during the pre-war years about the impact of aerial assaults on Britain.

Added to the list of protected structures is a pillbox cleverly disguised as a roofless ruin in Northumberland to protect the vulnerable Druridge Bay from German invasion.

"In their variety, they show how the Battle has left its mark across England," Historic England explained.

The Battle of Britain took place between July and October 1940, while the date of September 15 is widely seen as when Britain's RAF Fighter Command gained a decisive victory over the German Luftwaffe.