Learning Chinese
Published: Nov 08, 2020 06:03 PM
Chat attack

alias/ 化名 / (huà mínɡ)

A: I received a package today. The sender was a name I don't recognize. This left me a bit perplexed, so I didn't dare open it. 


(jīntiān wǒshōudào yīɡè bāoɡuǒ, jìjiànrén shìyīɡè wǒ bìnɡbù rènshí de mínɡzì, zhèrànɡwǒ yǒuxiē kùnrǎo, bùɡǎn chāikāi.)

B: Maybe the sender used an alias. This type of situation fills one with curiosity, but also worry.  It seems surprises can be good and bad. 

也许是寄件人用的化名,这样的情况会让人充满好奇,但也让人担心, 看来惊喜确实可好可坏啊。

(yěxǔ shì jìjiànrén yònɡde huàmínɡ, zhèyànɡde qínɡkuànɡ huìrànɡ rén chōnɡmǎn hǎoqí, dànyě rànɡrén dānxīn, kànlái jīnɡxǐ quèshí kěhǎokěhuàiā.)

A: I feel that agreeing to allow the sender to use an alias should be discussed and thought about. I don't know if it will have some potential negative impacts.


(wǒjuédé tónɡyì kuàidì qiānshōurén yònɡ huàmínɡ zhèjiànshì xūyào shānɡyì hé zhēnzhuó, bùzhīdào huìbùhuì yǒuqiánzàide xiāojí yǐnɡxiǎnɡ.)

B: I know that recently someone used an alias on WeChat to sell nationally protected wildlife. Because they used an alias, it made it difficult for the police to track them down. 


(wǒ zhīdào zuìjìn yǒurén yònɡ huàmínɡ zài wēixìn pínɡtái sīzì mǎimài ɡuójiāzhēnxī yěshēnɡ dònɡwù, yīnwéi shìhuàmínɡ, jǐnɡfānɡ hěnnán chátā.)

Illustrations: Liu Xidan/GT