Learning Chinese
Published: Mar 29, 2021 05:08 PM
Chat attack

save resources/ 节约资源
/ (jiéyuē zīyuán)

Illustration: Liu Xidan/GT

Illustration: Liu Xidan/GT

A: Why did you turn off the lights? It's only 8:30 tonight. 


(zěnme ɡānɡ wǎnshànɡ bādiǎnbàn nǐjiù xīdēnɡlene?)

B: Well, since I participated in the Earth Hour event on Saturday night, I plan to remember to turn off unnecessary lights and power-consuming electronics every day.

自从周六晚上参加了地球一小时活动, 我打算每天都要记住关上不必要的电灯和耗电产品。

(zìcónɡ zhōuliù wǎnshànɡ cānjiāle dìqiú yìxiǎoshí huódònɡ, wǒdǎsuàn měitiān dōuyào jìzhù ɡuānshànɡ búbìyàode diàndēnɡ héhàodiàn chǎnpǐn.)

A: It's great you can carry out these changes and be persistent in daily life, I will join you too.

你能日常坚持下去就很棒, 我也要加入你。

(nǐnénɡ rìchánɡ jiānchí xiàqù jiùhěnbànɡ, wǒyěyào jiārùnǐ.)

B: For the Earth, we can indeed make a lot of efforts, such as bringing our own environmental shopping bags and not using plastic straws.

为了地球, 我们确实还可以做出很多的努力, 比如自带环保袋、不用塑料吸管。

(wéiledìqiú, wǒmen quèshí háikěyǐ zuòchū hěnduōde nǔlì, bǐrú zìdài huánbǎodài, búyònɡ sùliào xīɡuǎn.)

A: Plus to clean our plates without wasting food, and refusing to buy products made from wild animals. The key is persistence. 


(zàibǐrú ɡuānɡpán xínɡdònɡ, jùjué ɡòumǎi yěshēnɡ dònɡwù zhìpǐn. ɡuānjiàn zàiyú jiānchí.)

B: Let's remind each other making efforts to save resources.


(rànɡwǒmen hùxiānɡ tíxǐnɡ búduàn nǔlì jiéyuē zīyuán.)