Learning Chinese
Published: Apr 13, 2021 07:28 PM
Chat attack

species/ 物种/ (wùzhǒnɡ)

A: Have you seen the news? I heard that five new species have been found recently in China's Tibet Autonomous Region.


(nǐ kàn xīnwén le ma?tīnɡshuō zuìjìn zài xīzanɡ fāxiàn le wu zhǒnɡ xīnwùzhǒnɡ.) 

B: Really? What are they?


(shìma, dōuyǒu nǎxiē ne?)

A: Three kinds of frogs, a type of monkey and a kind of snake. 


(yǒu sānzhǒnɡ bùtónɡ lèixínɡ de qīnɡwā, yīzhǒnɡ míhóu hé yīzhǒnɡ mǎnɡshé.)

B: By what fortune did they manage to find such precious species?


(shì zěnmeyànɡ de jīyuánqiǎohé fāxiàn zhèxiē zhēnɡuì de wùzhǒnɡ ne?)

A: The discoveries this time were the results of the Tibet Autonomous Region's second terrestrial wildlife resource survey. According to the survey, the number of terrestrial vertebrates in Tibet Autonomous Region has increased to 1,072. 


(zhècì de fāxiàn déyì yú xīzánɡ zìzhì qū dìèrcì lùshēnɡ yěshēnɡ dònɡwù zīyuán diàochá shùnlì wánchénɡ.jù diàochá, xīzánɡ lùshēnɡ yěshēnɡ jǐzhuī dònɡwù zēnɡjiā dàoyiqianlingqishier zhǒnɡ.)

B: I want to see the pictures of such new species.


(wǒxiǎnɡ kànkàn tāmén de zhàopiàn.)

Illustration: Liu Xidan/GT

Illustration: Liu Xidan/GT