Learning Chinese
Published: May 31, 2021 07:43 PM
Chat attack

unproductive diligence/ 无效的勤奋/ (wúxiào de qínfèn)

A: What do you think of children that study hard but don't get good grades?


(nǐ zěnme kàndài shēnbiān xuéxí hěn nǔlì, dàn chénɡjì què yizhí bùtàihǎo de háizǐ?)

B: I think they are worth admiring. After all, it isn't easy to keep trying when faced with failure.


(wǒ juédé tāmén zhídé xīnshǎnɡ, bìjìnɡ nénɡɡòu zài shībài zhōnɡ yīzhí nǔlì kě bùshì yījiàn rónɡyì de shìqínɡ.)

A: Recently there has been a hot topic online that calls this type of phenomenon in which you work really hard but actually benefit little unproductive diligence.


(zuìjìn wǎnɡluòshàng yǒuɡè rèmén huàtí, bǎ zhèzhǒnɡ fēichánɡ nǔlì dàn shíjì shōuyì hěnxiǎo de xiànxiànɡ jiàozuò wúxiào de qínfèn. nǐ zěnme kànne?)

B: I don't like using whether or not something is productive to define diligence. Because diligence is a type of long-term expenditure, its value is that even if you temporarily don't see any returns, you can continue investing stably. It is like to keep calm and carry on. 


(wǒ bùtài zàntónɡ yònɡ shìfǒu yǒuxiào qù dìnɡyì qínfèn, yīnwéi qínfèn shì yīzhǒnɡ chánɡqīde fùchū, tāde jiàzhí zàiyú jíbiàn zànshí kànbùdào huíbào què rénɡrán nénɡ chíxù wěndìnɡ de tóurù.jiùxiànɡ bǎochí lěnɡjìnɡ, jìxù qiánjìn.)
Illustration: Liu Xidan/GT

Illustration: Liu Xidan/GT