Learning Chinese
Published: Jul 28, 2021 06:38 PM
Chat attack

tired/ 疲倦/ (píjuàn)

A: Did you not rest well? Why do you look so tired?  


(nǐshì méiyǒu xiūxī hǎoma? zěnme kànqǐlái zhème píjuàn?)

B: I've had insomnia the past few nights, so I feel a bit off. 


(wǒ zhèjǐtiān wǎnshànɡ shīmiánle, suǒyǐ zhuànɡtài yǒuxiē chà.)

A: Sleep issues should be paid attention to. A lack of sleep will lead to depression and poor concentration, which will have a negative impact on your mental health.


(shuìmián wèntí zhídé nǐ zhònɡshì.shuìmián bùzú huì dǎozhì qínɡxù dīluò, zhùyìlì bù jízhōnɡ, zhèhuì duì nǐ de xīnlǐjiànkānɡ chǎnshēnɡ fùmiàn yǐnɡxiǎnɡ.)

B: I know that low quality sleep will increase feelings of stress, anger and sadness. It is a vicious circle. 


(wǒ zhīdào dīzhìliànɡde shuìmián huì zēnɡjiā yālì, fènnù hé bēishānɡde qínɡxù.zhèshì yīɡè èxìnɡxúnhuán.)

A: You can use some techniques to help you relax your body before bed, this will you establish sleep habits that are suitable for you.


(nǐ kěyǐ zài shuìqián yùnyònɡ yīxiē jìqiǎo fànɡsōnɡ shēntǐ, yǒuzhùyú yǎnɡchénɡ shìhé zìjǐ de shuìmián xíɡuàn.)

B: You're right. Also, a comfortable pillow will increase the quality of your sleep. There is nothing worse than a stiff neck.


(nǐ shuōde hěnduì.lìnɡwài, yīɡè shūfúde zhěntóu yěnénɡ tíɡāo shuìmián zhìliànɡ, méiyǒu bǐ luòzhěn ɡènɡ zāoxīnde shìqínɡ le.)

Illustration: Liu Xidan/GT

Illustration: Liu Xidan/GT