Learning Chinese
Published: Aug 24, 2021 05:58 PM
Chat attack

health care products/ 保健品/ (bǎojiànpǐn)

A: As quality of life has increased, health care products have become increasingly welcome.


(suízhe shēnɡhuó shuǐpínɡ de tíɡāo, bǎojiànpǐn yuèláiyuè shòu huānyínɡ.)

B: You're not wrong. People are spending a lot of money to purchase energy drinks, vitamins and beauty drinks. 


(méicuò.rénmén huā hěnduō qián lái ɡòumǎi nénɡliànɡ yǐnliào, wéishēnɡsù yàopiàn hé měirónɡ yǐnpǐn.)

A: These health products claim to have antioxidants and be able to improve your physique.


(zhèxiē bǎojiànpǐn hàochēnɡ hányǒu kànɡ yǎnɡhuàwù, nénɡ zēnɡqiánɡ tǐzhì.)

B: But experts think that exercise and eating more fruits and vegetables is the best antioxidant. 


(dàn zhuānjiā rènwéi, kànɡyǎnɡhuà jiùyào duō yùndònɡ, duō chī shuǐɡuǒ hé shūcài.)

A: You have to look at things clearly when purchasing health products. Before purchasing anything, you should first consult with a doctor to see if you need to take it.

购买保健品还需擦亮双眼。购买前应该先咨询医生, 看看是否需要服用。

(ɡòumǎi bǎojiànpǐn hái xū cāliànɡ shuānɡyǎn.ɡòumǎi qián yīnɡɡāi xiān zīxún yīshēnɡ, kànkàn shìfǒu xūyào fúyònɡ.)

B: That's true, so be careful what to choose. 


(quèshí, suǒyǐ xuǎnzé yào jǐnshèn.)

Photo/Illustration:Liu Xidan/Gloabal Times

Photo/Illustration:Liu Xidan/Gloabal Times